President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service agent who drove his car in the motorcade and the act is plainly visible in the Zapruder film. WATCH THE DRIVER AND NOT KENNEDY WHEN YOU VIEW THE FILM. All of the wit- nesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Ken- nedy were themselves all murdered within two years of the event.
I have stated that the President's brain had disappeared and told why it had disappeared.
They did a hell of a shell game. they made it look like 2 unknown officials grabbed it at parkland hospital yet some believe it was taken from the plane. probably in case the men were tackled by authorities.. they really had nothing in their hands. like a faked pass off on a field.
I saw a documentary about how a Secret Service man from the car behind, had accidentally pulled the trigger on his rifle and shooting the president in the head from behind. this was caused by him sitting up on the seat, and the driver thrusting forward causing him to hit the trigger. then the Feds covered it up out of embarrassment.
then later there was something about the Secret Service man was not sitting in the convertible directly behind the president, but rather a station wagon in third place.
I have been telling the world that the body was removed from its casket aboard the plane and was taken out the galley door and onto a marine helicopter, and that the body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital a full 30 minutes beforethe empty official casket.