2017-11-23 at 4:56 PM UTC
Why did price stay constant with purity increasing for everything, except for heroin? Cos the fentanyl? I feel like thar dip of purity in mdma should be a lot more drastic in the 2009-13 range becos of when the methylone and such was super cheap and legal.
2017-11-23 at 4:58 PM UTC
LOL the purity chart only goes up to 60%. I'd give/throw away anything below 85%. UK niggaz is lame.
2017-11-25 at 6:22 PM UTC
in eu prices are firm its only usa mostly thats diseased like capitalest pigs
2017-11-25 at 6:25 PM UTC
like it only half price to buy a brick or 10k pilz than a dub sack