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Trump will be the next president of the United States

  1. #21
    bling bling Dark Matter
    Hilart Clinton H C 8+3= 11 = the pillars get crashed down agen
    demeter = jezebel = the whore gets cast out of the tower again
  2. #22
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    After listening to his first speech in June of last year, I said he was going to be the next president of the United States, and people laughed. Then when all the fake polls came out, I said they were fake as all fuck and he was actually winning, and people laughed. Then when it came to the general election, I said Hillary was going to lose, and people laughed again. But they ain't laughing so hard now.

    It's not that they were faked, it's that people were far less likely to admit to being Trump supporters/planning to vote for Trump, or that they did, in the case of exit polls, due to societal pressures, how demonized he was and intolerant his detractors are, the serious repercussions they intended to enact onto those who allied themselves with him.

    "These videos are edited! That was self-defense! Besides, I heard Trump supporters did way worse, even though I can't find any footage, they're every bigoted label I can ascribe to them, they literally support Hitler, so they must be evil! Leftists are the good guys!"

    This is standard behavior for leftists, and there's a very clear explanation for it.

    A second major factor is that polls are largely based on likely voters. Trump did phenomenal among non-college educated (leftist propaganda absorbing intellectual sponges) whites, and the enthusiasm he elicited, particularly compared to Hillary of all fucking people, brought them out in droves. He also did considerably better among Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks than expected.

    All these factors should have been predicted and factored in, especially among those whose careers are centered around political analysis, but the human race is utterly imbecilic.
  3. #23
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    This is standard behavior for leftists, and there's a very clear explanation for it.

    The standard behavior of conservatives is to be huge faggots and to sneak into liberal households to kill babies in the crib.

    Haha, wow, this is kind fun. I guess I see why you do it all the time now.
  4. #24
    The standard behavior of conservatives is to be huge faggots and to sneak into liberal households to kill babies in the crib.

    anal rage detected
  5. #25
    F U C K N I G G E R S

    Fucking animals, they deserve to be beaten like dogs.
  6. #26
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    lol, some quality entertainment up in here. Got any more?
  7. #27
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    lol, some quality entertainment up in here. Got any more?

    Go to one of the anti-Trump protests after work in a cheaply made klan costume (It was incredibly easy to make out of a sheet of fabric I thought. Just think of the simplest way you could cut and sew it together, that's how I made it and it worked surprisingly well, although I would wear white pants in the future.) holding a sign that says "You have to go back."

    I really want to do this at a massive Hispanic/Mexican demonstration, particularly if Trump makes a serious attempt to enact some of his relevant policies (, but those non-Asian minorities (NAMs) certainly do have a savage nature.
  8. #28
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    God-Emperor Trump does it again. He only chooses the best people. You should rejoice and state your thanks, Lanny, with this your industry will most assuredly live long and prosper.
  9. #29
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    lol, some quality entertainment up in here. Got any more?

    Here's the extended version, they steal his car and drag him down the street.

    I yearn for the day I witness something of this nature. Shame this is the bay area. The opportunity to vent my bloodlust and misanthropy via the annihilation of niggers would be immensely satisfying.
  10. #30
    lol, some quality entertainment up in here. Got any more?
    Chimpouts are commonplace and easy to find, nothing special.
  11. #31
    Here's the extended version, they steal his car and drag him down the street.

    I yearn for the day I witness something of this nature. Shame this is the bay area. The opportunity to vent my bloodlust and misanthropy via the annihilation of niggers would be immensely satisfying.

    At the very least we can agree on our shared hatred of stupid niggers.
  12. #32
    If it aint white it aint right.
  13. #33
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ah, I've been having fun trolling people and laying the economic smackdown on them in the SF subreddit. Not nearly as hostile as I expected. Seems we have a lot of closet conservatives and libertarians.
  14. #34
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Most people don't even realize that the people didn't even vote Trump in at all. The crook, Clinton, got the majority of the popular vote. So the people actually voted against Trump. He won because of 270 people in the electoral college, not because of the people. This is only the second time this has happened since 1888.
  15. #35
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Heh, people actually believe these victimhood fantasies:

    At least two major stories were already proven false.
  16. #36
    The election is just another excuse for niggers to nig. The violence isn't directed, it is in their ape genes, they have a thin veneer of civility that barely contains their desire to break shit and loot. If it's not one thing it's the next. A black man's death at the hand of a white man literally looks like a new set of stereos to the nigger brain. And that's what sucks; libercucks will always act like it's just because of the "deep racial hurt" of these events. It's a cover so niggers can justify getting a new 4K TV "free".
  17. #37
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    this past decade, the left, spcifically the DNC in the US has managed to take over public discourse; literally all of the mass media, injecting leftist identity politics into the education system etc, using sheer volume to shame anyone who does not agree with their perspectives. it's turned the 'public space' into something of an echo chamber for ideas.
    kids have grown up thinking that these perspectives are objectively correct and there are very few people who think differently... the fact that literally half of the population have shown they don't has pushed them into serious neurosis.
    their world is literally falling apart around them.
    they have no idea how to cope because everything they believe has been called into question.

    that is why this is so fucking funny
  18. #38
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  19. #39
    Most people don't even realize that the people didn't even vote Trump in at all. The crook, Clinton, got the majority of the popular vote. So the people actually voted against Trump. He won because of 270 people in the electoral college, not because of the people. This is only the second time this has happened since 1888.

    If you took out California, Clinton would have lost the popular vote bigly.
  20. #40
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    victimhood fantasies

    Lol, you're the one who posted some video fetishizing abuse of trump supporters.
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