User Controls

ATTN: SOPHIE (reprise)

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Make sure you install everything search, and tcpview, gotta be careful. When you view all your opened ports [SIZE=8px](heh) [/SIZE]and your infiltrated subsets (heh) you will be s[SIZE=8px]hocked[/SIZE][SIZE=8px]bywhatyou[/SIZE][SIZE=8px]might[/SIZE][SIZE=8px]find o[/SIZE]ut
  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Only open port is 80 HTTP, and 21ftp that only takes usb for some reason plus my OS is hardened, sensitive info is encrypted or on a fully encrypted external HDD even.BRB while i view my cp and tena bang my gf. Also i use TOR and VPN's and proxychains so good luck bruh.
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