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Rip off artists

  1. #1
    Joe Kane Tuskegee Airman
    Thanks a lot for ripping me off motherfukers all you ever do is take from me and I try to help people and all I do is get burned in the end I guess that's what I get for trying to be nice to people I literally was $5 short I could take out $100 but I guess you need five $ more than me even though I'll be sleeping at a Park tonight probably cuz of you and my whole weekends f***** now all because $5 basically even though I probably given $100 to so many people and I have not seen a penny back not a dime nothing so keep it stick the money up your ass and go f*** yourself.

    I would have even paid it back I got more money coming In I'm just hard up right now. I guess you all expected I'd be dead by now so why bother paying what you owe, no FUCK scronaldo just let him rot on the vine. I have a bad memory (like judge Judy says HONEST PEOPLE DONT NEED A GOOD MEMORY) But I always remember people that burn me, dodge me.

    $5 wow you pathetic little worms thats fucking sad I haven't slept on a bed in YEARS just couches I suffer and everyone still takes advantage of me.

    I can't wait until karma bites you in the ass and you are stuck outside begging for that same $5 I'll make sure to find you, rough you up, steal the clothes off your back and stick a knife in your gut when your at your lowest and even take your shoes, light your socks on fire and throw them back at you fucking ,$5 nigger faggots.

    Fuck you. I'll take what I have and take my girl out for a pizza date and survive off the rest, if I had just a bit more I could book a hotel but you are all too busy jedi hoarding my hard earned cash. Next time you need something I hope you get burned like me.

    Fucking losers
  2. #2
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Cry more faggot.

    People not donating money to you in a thread where you cry about being homeless, isn't ripping you off. No one owes you shit. Suck a dick.
  3. #3
    Joe Kane Tuskegee Airman
    The thread isnt really even about anyone Here, just venting about people in general that decided to rip me off as I wind up on the streets.

    People ive known since childhood, went to school with and I walk by a cafe see them all laughing, smiling having a good time and they just ignore me.

    But you have the same mentality yeah fuck me, I admit its all my fault but when I was flush stacking CASH everyone wants to be my friend and asks me for everything. Look what I got? I am never bailing a "friend" outta jail ever again I will just let you all rot.

    Need some capital for business? A loan? Go suck dicks. Need a dope hookup? I'll take your money and vanish and give your number to desperate stick up boys.

    I never asked for a donation I am owed hundreds by lots of people and I asked for FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS you jedi rat fuckers. All I can say is KARMA bitch Gods got his eye on you.

    The flip side of karma? People offering me hundreds just because I helped them out at their lowest, and I refuse all handouts and say "if I need a loan I'll let you know and pay it back"

    Thats just how I am/how I was raised. Honor, respect, trust... Not like you cucks would know anything about that.
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Aren't you at Lucy's yet? 2 day bus trip and this was discussed on Monday.
  5. #5
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Just kill anyone who fucks you over in any way and you wont be mad
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dissociator Just kill anyone who fucks you over in any way and you wont be mad

    This statement alone is going to be my go to every time I'm wronged from now on.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am not often wronged in such a fashion that i feel murderous rage but when i am i literally make plans to murder the person until i calm down and realize wtf i am doing.
  8. #8
    wait what's going on with this $5? i'm out of the loop
  9. #9
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by greenplastic wait what's going on with this $5? i'm out of the loop

    It's your fault scron had to sleep outside, since you didn't give him $5.
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