2017-09-05 at 3:17 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
I don't know if he ever knew of this forum, but he was always around on tinychat and then he just dropped off the map.
I used to pressure him to dress up like a woman but he was never down.
"PUT ON YOUR SUNDRESS, LITTLE WOMAN", I would tell him but he never budged.
There was a time when I could catch him on the meth pipe every few days but now, he is nowhere to be found.
The manic person in me wants to think that he got murdered over an infamous Craigslist meet-up, in which he dressed up as a woman. He wasn't even that bad looking in the face.
but I just don't know anymore
2017-09-05 at 3:43 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
You're not a rapist, are you?
Your stomach just dropped, didn't it?
Don't lie to me, boy.