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To the spider under my outlet

  1. #1
    You grow in strength each passing day
    You spin your web, keep my room safe
    Oh how I love you, Theridiidae

    It's been a month now. Maybe two. It's hard to keep track in a love like ours, so pure and true. You were but a babe when I first laid eyes on you, and now look at you. You caught an ant today. I'm impressed. Impressed and proud. My little baby is finally growing up and catching prey for herself. Or himself. I don't judge.

    At first I thought you wouldn't survive. "It'll be like my old spider all over again." I thought that you wouldn't get enough food, or that I might grow bored and mess with you. My memory flashes to the staunch imagery of lemon oil airbound into web. But I don't do that anymore. At least, I resist. I have with you. Maybe you are different. Maybe you are a different spider for me. A special spider. God only knows.

    Regardless of what happens my dear, I hope that you stay strong and well, and that the space underneath my outlet may serve you proper.


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