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Recommend me a good documentary.

  1. #21
    cerakote African Astronaut
    manhunter: unabomber

    not exactly a documentary but its still non fiction (mostly, gotta add le epic hollywood shit for watchabiliy). its really fuckin good so far and im only 3 episodes in. having read "industrial society and it's future", it also makes an especially engaging show for me. even if its just acting and the characters may not be 100% accurate depictions of the people involved, it gives the story life and adds depth so you not only see it through the eyes of the investigators, but also from the perspective of the unabomber himself and even from his victims and their families. the bombing scenes they start each episode with (at least this far in, not sure about later on) are fucking brutal... ep3's in particular.
  2. #22
    I think I saw that or a similar doc on the NYC homeless. that's why you don't see a lot of open homelessness in NYC anymore. at least not Manhattan.

    They live in an unused, older subway track area. goes on for miles. keeps them warm in the wintertime.. probably cool in the muggy seasons.

    Bring in enough food (dumpster dive) and you could chill for a few days. I think I saw one of the enterance was through a city park.. maybe Battery or Central.
  3. #23
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Esplender

    Well done §m£ÂgØL. You identified that evil people (like who you support day to day) always play-act the victim in normal interactions in day to day life.
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