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Why are some people so spineless?

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I think it's funny how some people can easily make personal attacks, and I tend to shrug them off. This one dude, let out a couple ridiculous jabs at me out of know where, I was kinda caught off guard but shrugged it off, almost everyone I work with is a huge asshole. Someone made a joke about him later and I threw in 2cents, gave him a slight smile to let him know I'm joking.

    Then what do you know, I'm working I turn around and the guy is staring at me like a pissed off woman, 20 feet away.

    This faggot at work goes out of his way to seem like a hardass (he went to jail for his first time ever at 26 for a dwi, the first thing he does after getting out is walk straight from jail to work to tell everybody about it) , not only to me, but even in front of customers, he even yelled "asshole, to a homeless guy and his girl only after they were already out the door..." it was incredibly cringey, and his voice even cracked a little bit as he did it.

    Im new where I work so I tend to tread lightly at first with people I don't know, but I can't stand people that can dish it out but can't take it. They are typically the kind of people that push the "report button" or have to call the cops when things get a lil to intense.

    Anyone else ever had to work with someone that's such an exceptional tool that he thinks no one is ever going to talk shit back?
  2. #2
    Flawed Neurulation....

    Spina Bifada and Anencephaly are nothing to joke about, though.

  3. #3
    "The hindbrain divides into different segments called rhombomeres. Neural crest cells form ganglia above each rhombomere. The neural tube becomes the germinal neuroepithelium and serves as a source of new neurons during brain development. The brain develops from the inside-out."

    This reads like a Sploo post, lol.
  4. #4
    I think it's funny how some people can easily make personal attacks, and I tend to shrug them off. This one dude, let out a couple ridiculous jabs at me out of know where, I was kinda caught off guard but shrugged it off, almost everyone I work with is a huge asshole. Someone made a joke about him later and I threw in 2cents, gave him a slight smile to let him know I'm joking.

    Then what do you know, I'm working I turn around and the guy is staring at me like a pissed off woman, 20 feet away.

    This faggot at work goes out of his way to seem like a hardass (he went to jail for his first time ever at 26 for a dwi, the first thing he does after getting out is walk straight from jail to work to tell everybody about it) , not only to me, but even in front of customers, he even yelled "asshole, to a homeless guy and his girl only after they were already out the door…" it was incredibly cringey, and his voice even cracked a little bit as he did it.

    Im new where I work so I tend to tread lightly at first with people I don't know, but I can't stand people that can dish it out but can't take it. They are typically the kind of people that push the "report button" or have to call the cops when things get a lil to intense.

    Anyone else ever had to work with someone that's such an exceptional tool that he thinks no one is ever going to talk shit back?

    lol I bet he's a better dad than you though.
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've worked in plenty of restaurants and kitchens and oddly have never worked with somebody like this, at least not to any degree that I'm able to recall. The true edgelords spend most of the day cussing and patronizing one another equally. It's important part of any workplace if I do say so myself.
  6. #6
    They're actually jellyfish bloop bloop bloop
  7. #7
    lol I bet he's a better dad than you though.

  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    uh no shots have been fired...
  9. #9
    yeah.............shots that babydoctors give to pregnant women,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,uh
  10. #10
    uh no shots have been fired…

    dude he fucking destroyed you with his comment. You literally are just a little bitch crying on the floor right now because you didnt have a real comeback for him.

  11. #11
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm too nice.
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    dude he fucking destroyed you with his comment. You literally are just a little bitch crying on the floor right now because you didnt have a real comeback for him.


    yeah.. sure..
  13. #13
    My humor is so much better than yours it's insane. Not a single like for my brain damage post. Y'all go fuck yourselves.
  14. #14
    PS: Bill Krozby got rekt.
  15. #15
    Im new where I work so I tend to tread lightly at first with people I don't know, but I can't stand people that can dish it out but can't take it. They are typically the kind of people that push the "report button" or have to call the cops when things get a lil to intense.

    Reported to lanny, fbi and called the cops. Your fucked now bucko!
  16. #16
    Thanked for "bucko".
  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Reported to lanny, fbi and called the cops. Your fucked now bucko!

    You're part of the reason why this forum sucks. You don't even make you're own threads, you just aimlessly make lame replys at an attempt to be funny. Why not make a thread about music or art or anything else other than shit posting. You come off as a red faced Midwesterner who's probably never owned a suit in his entire life. You probably visit the brooks brothers outlet more than you do you invalid grandmother, you piece of shit.
  18. #18
    You're part of the reason why this forum sucks.

    no u
    You don't even make you're own threads,

    orly?{%22authorid%22%3A[%22216%22]%2C%22channel%22%3A%222%22%2C%22exclude_type%22%3A[%22vBForum_PrivateMessage%22]%2C%22starter_only%22%3A%221%22} I also have started the majority of topics found in the STEM stubforum.

    you just aimlessly make lame replys at an attempt to be funny.

    this one is actually true

    Why not make a thread about music or art or anything else other than shit posting.

    see above. Also I love shitposting.

    You come off as a red faced Midwesterner who's probably never owned a suit in his entire life.

    False I am a classy motherfucker. I actually only wear suits. Funny thing is change Midwesterner to Texan and we got an apt description for you.

    You probably visit the brooks brothers outlet more than you do you invalid grandmother, you piece of shit.

    What is brooks brothers? Also my grandmother doesnt even live in the same state as me.
  19. #19
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My grandma lives about 150 miles from me and I see her twice a year usually when we travel to her area for Christmas and when she travels to our area for Thanksgiving. I've never heard of Brooks Brothers either and I'm guessing it's a leather/cowboy type shop? I'm trying to think of a cringey store that I visit more than twice a year but I really can't think of one unless you count a few fast-food places or the ghetto walmart down on 13th avenue. I realize you weren't talking to me but I needed to share this information regardless.
  20. #20
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    wow you guys are very uncultured.
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