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Misandry is a bigger issue than misogyny

  1. #1
    Misogyny as defined by modern feminism is not real.

    Growing up in a male body I experienced a much more difficult life than a woman in the same income bracket and living situation (meaning, I'm not considering arab mudslimes or children sent off for sex slavery).
    Women are pampered, they are placed above men and treated better by both sexes, society will bend over backwards to appeal to female feelings and up until now women weren't required to join the military against their will, risking their lives and forfeiting any resemblance of a normal psyche they possibly would have had.

    No one gives a fuck about you or your feelings if you're male, you're expected to be silent and invisible but if some cunt has her feelings hurt everyone will come to her rescue.

    I have never taken feminism seriously and I never will until they address misandry as a major concern and drop all the garbage that has come to be associated with modern day feminism.

    The sexes are not equal and they never will be, people need to realize this and get the fuck over it.
    So what if you risk being raped while going out for a stroll through a city at night, what kind of idiot walks through an urban city at night anyways, if you were male you would be mugged or beaten or worse.
    Oh but you're tired of all the eye rape, what a difficult life you must live having to work through the constant stares and ... get the fuck over it you whiny entitled bitches, same goes for niggers who wonder why people stare at them ... it's their eyes they have every right to gaze at whatever they desire.

    Women don't deserve equal pay unless they can be treated exactly equal to their male counterparts, so no paid maternity leave or any of that bullshit.
    I've heard the military is having to dumb down their programs to accommodate women and handsome and well tanned individuals instead of admitting only the best of the best.

    It's really bothersome that society isn't addressing misandry and the issues men face in a world that doesn't value their person.
    Whenever people even discuss male issues it's either not taken seriously or used to belittle them.

    I remember one time this nigger tried kicking me in the genitals for whatever reason, I didn't say anything negative to her I was just at some event with a friend of mine (this was when I was around 14 - 15) and the bitch started chimping out and thought it could attempt to harm me, so it did and instead of me being a beta taking shit like that I pushed her down into the mud and instantly everyone took her side and came to her rescue, no one even gave a fuck that I was harmed.
    So much for "white male privilege" huh?
  2. #2
    *in the west.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    the first time I saw someone use the term 'stare rape' I thought it was a the very specific fear of being forcefully penetrated in a stairwell
  4. #4
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Cry me a river you sissy bitch. If bitches hold you down you ain't shit.

    Feminism only exists because of crybaby limpnoodles like you who get offended by everything and instead of handling shit with violence as it is supposed to be in nature you resort to being a faggot. "But muh society".. look at that piece of shit.

    Women need to be dominated actively. Not just sometimes, either. It's a way of life. Hard to explain and probably a natural gift of the beta male but women feel that trait and seek it in men. Yes, nowadays they have to scream and shout and all that and all they need is to be put in their place by real men.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † Cry me a river you sissy bitch. If bitches hold you down you ain't shit.

    Feminism only exists because of crybaby limpnoodles like you who get offended by everything and instead of handling shit with violence as it is supposed to be in nature you resort to being a faggot. "But muh society".. look at that piece of shit.

    Women need to be dominated actively. Not just sometimes, either. It's a way of life. Hard to explain and probably a natural gift of the beta male but women feel that trait and seek it in men. Yes, nowadays they have to scream and shout and all that and all they need is to be put in their place by real men.

    for once riser is actually right.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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