2017-07-09 at 2:40 PM UTC
This shit pisses me off to no end. I don't mean getting help on a homework problem or something, but actually cheating.
A while back I took an engineering computation class which involved basically a ton of learning programming. We had assignments we would have to program then submit to an online grader which would test a bunch of outputs and give us a score. The rules for the class were very clear in that you had to do all the coding yourself. You were allowed to discuss problems generally but even viewing someone else's code was against the rules.
There were also a few discussion sections led by TA's. I stopped attending mine after the first few because they only ended up repeating the very basic shit that we learned in class, but the real difficulty lies in actually doing the coding and learning how it works. Learning the actual language is trivial. A bunch of students were in a facebook group for the class which I never bothered looking up, and I guess word got out that one of the TA's was basically giving pseudocode for each program, so the students that attended this section basically had like 50% of the work done for them.
So after a while basically everyone in the class was attending this discussion section except for me. They also had a system that checks everyone's code against each others to see if anyone copied. If you were caught copying, you were supposed to get at least a 0 on the assignment and probably fail the course.
So even after given pseudocode, a bunch of people still got caught copy pasting their code and just changing variable names and they send out an email saying that they're basically going to let them get away with it this time. (this was like 2/3 of the way through the course)
So that whole time I was doing all the programs coding by myself and the rest of the class is cheating and getting away with it. I got a C and barely passed of course. Shit still pisses me off to this day.
BUT I do have solace in the fact that a couple of the people I know who got caught copying failed most their other engineering classes that quarter so I'm ahead of them now. Pieces of shit. I trolled them by telling them I smoke weed everyday and still got better grades even when they cheat. faggots
2017-07-09 at 2:51 PM UTC
Lol pussyplastic can't bring himself to leverage these advantages legitimately.
2017-07-09 at 3:48 PM UTC
fuck you guy i cheated in school to get by not get ahead
2017-07-10 at 4:48 AM UTC
I took a mechatronics class in high school with people doing the same shit
Most of the time, all they had to do was memorize a few definitions/functions for the tests,but they'd rather sit around playing minecraft or some other shit game on the computers all day every day, and the week of the test they would copy all the definitions and functions to a word document and turn down the brightness of the screen so no one could see it
Little did they know that the teacher could see what was on their screens from his computer
9 people failed out of 12