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Punishing the userbase with captchas and no like button because Lanny is jealous of a tranny

  1. #1
    Lannys jealousy over HTS-sexy has reached critical mass. He is punishing the forum/all of you because I'm flailing like a madman. The only reason i'm flailing is because Lanny keeps delete and banning me for no reason.

    He is just mad that HTS-cutie likes me more so it started this feud. She still sends me nudes when shes drunk though so its not like you will ever win. When someone is drunk their true emotions come out and she tells me she loves me and sends nudes.

    Yup looks like you got cucked, again.

    Might as well just take the whole forum offline while I get paid & laid and fuck your bitches.

    Why doesn't your girlfriend post here lanny? hjahahhahahahahahahhaaa
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    *shitposts across entire front page*

    lanny is banning me for NO REASONN!!!!1
  3. #3
    I only spammed the front page because I keep getting banned and deleted for no reason.

    THis is the loop and I'm half baked sploo.
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Malice is an ISIS recruiter I only spammed the front page because I keep getting banned and deleted for no reason.

    THis is the loop and I'm half baked sploo.

    stop looping dumbass
  5. #5
    I cannot control your actions. It is you who is caught in the loops. I have posted good threads/replies several times only to have lanny suck back some more vermouth, delete it all because HTS-jealous and then we are back to square 1

    There is no difference if I post good content vs/spam. I have found the spam stays up longer because lanny easily gets burned out , it also takes less effort.

    Well thought out replies/threads take time which Lanny uses to charge his lasers and aattacks me when I am just replying to my good threads.

    The looooooooooop

    hamster ass niggas you are caught in the loops. If I left this place forever you would still be stuck.

    No matter what actions anyone takes the loop cannot be escaped because Lanny is a cuck and cucks always get caught in the loop.
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