User Controls the song

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Aren't you supposed to cross your arms so you avoid clicking your drumsticks together over and over? Yes. Yes you are.
  3. #3
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Yes. Yes I was crossing my arms. People with low IQs sometimes can't comprehend angles
    Look at where the cam is placed. Now look at my playing. My arms are crossing.
  4. #4
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    plus they weren't even clicking over and over. That's the sound of the sticks against the plastic. The speaker is like 7 feet away from the cam
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oh. I have a low IQ so I must have missed that. In that case: 10/10 jam top-tier
  6. #6
    His room is moving????????
  7. #7
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    "Triangles rule your home, Syncans to your dome"

  8. #8
    Watching your mouth move as you sing is freeky as fuck.
  9. #9
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah I know... I'm deformed
  10. #10
    You life in this million dollar mansion with Lars Ulrich's drum kit and you still act like that? Dude, get a grip before life hits you with reality or you'll be severly fucked. Did you ever have a job interview?
  11. #11
    Good song, though.
  12. #12
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    You life in this million dollar mansion with Lars Ulrich's drum kit and you still act like that? Dude, get a grip before life hits you with reality or you'll be severly fucked. Did you ever have a job interview?

    I've had 2 jobs. What do you mean I act like what?
  13. #13
    Like a junkie shithead. You should write a song for your mom. Be thankful for what you have.
  14. #14
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Like a junkie shithead. You should write a song for your mom. Be thankful for what you have.

    RisiR I don't think you understand this whole "junkie shithead" persona is just something to do on a forum to pass the time whenever I'm not doing something with an actual purpose. If you actually think a person can act like this in the real world without having 2 black eyes and a bloody nose on any given day you are very mistaken. I knew people that acted as I do online in real life, back when I was in public school. This one kid Kurt would follow me around with a permanent smirk on his face and be like "hey shambo, you ever do triple cs? You ever do sherm? It makes you totally trip out to the millionth division"
    Etc etc etc.

    And he had absolutely NO friends. Not a single one. And he was ok with it because he was living in his own little isolated fantasy world. Atleast I have some sense of self awareness.

    And don't bring my mother into this. Don't you think for one fucking minute that I treat her anything like what my online shtick suggests I would.

  15. #15
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    What I mean by that is, all my gobbledygook posts are simply for the lulz. Even when high I don't seriously mean the nonsense shit I post but I find it semi amusing in the moment, while in retrospect I almost get angry at myself because of how old hat my same old routine is.
  16. #16
    Yea, I know what you mean but I think you misjudge the impact Roshambo has on your real life. You don't pretend to be Roshambo for fun, bro. Don't be delusional. You are here WAY too much for it to just be a shtick you do for your own amusement. That' not possible. I understand you, though. Now, please do me a favor and continue to be less Roshambo. That would be nice.
  17. #17
    Also, give your mom a little kiss from me. :o
  18. #18
    Watch the videos where you smoke spice of a can, stutter like a mongoloid and drool over yourself and tell me it's just an elaborated troll, please. Tell me your mother never walked in on you and then wanted to commit double murder to end your misery. Go on, bro.
  19. #19
    I'm sorry. I hope you feel me, though. Keep up not fucking up.
  20. #20
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ok. You got me on the spice videos. How about you watch my videos where I actually review nootropics. The whole point of spice is going under where all the mutants go and being as depraved as possible. Aka, when life fucks you over, if you're a bitch and can't handle it you smoke up your syncan soda can like a manlet I understand what you mean, your points aren't invalid for the most part
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