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nutmeg + 3-meo-pce combination

  1. #1
    it's shit, don't try it. i ended up just being confused as fuck just basically laying around for all fucking day until i realized it was night time
  2. #2
    RestStop Space Nigga
    This should be obvious but I fail to see how nutmeg is even remotely a good experience on it's own. Never tried it...just go get some freakin' heroin/meth like everyone else, Bro.
  3. #3
    nutmeg, heroin and meth all kinda suck
  4. #4
    well h and meth are good in principle but actually getting good shit is a shot in the dark
  5. #5
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by greenplastic well h and meth are good in principle but actually getting good shit is a shot in the dark

    There seems to be an almost universal truth to this. Have you tried the DMNs?
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