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  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    IVe been gone yes, been healing, schplew glassed me like a pussy and I got a sexy gash on my forehead

    We made a new album of unpleasant noise but some good songs


    Summer of ether
  2. #2
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Roshambo, :guitar, vocals mixing. Drums on tracks 2 and 5.
    Schplew:drums, vocals, guitar on tracks z2 and 5
    Track 7 schplew on bass and vocals, roshambo on guitar
    Track 8 by Roshambo
  3. #3
    How was the make-up sex?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I thought you wanted to kill this nigga off?
  5. #5
  6. #6
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Well at lest you guys are putting yourselves out there.
    Personally I could not listen through one tune its sooo bad but hey to each his own.
    I can say SpLOO is good on the drums.
  7. #7
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    We both know you didn't huff ether you fucking fick and if you did, your lungs would collapse you shit spectrum.
  8. #8
    I run an indie record label and am really impressed by your work, how do I go about contacting the artist?
  9. #9
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Shit and piss in a bottle, put a balloon over the top and huff that shit in an hour after outside in the hot sun. People in Antarctica don't know how to live.
  10. #10
    would review, not going to pay $5 for the privilege

    might do 'joins the workforce' though
  11. #11
    Originally posted by TAFK Dumpster Slut I run an indie record label and am really impressed by your work, how do I go about contacting the artist?
    this "music" is complete shit. Kill yourself.
  12. #12
    Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    That this was actually compiled and put together shows dedication.

    Unfortunately, that's all it shows.
  13. #13
    Kuje Tej Houston [disorientate this purple-tinged ornithorhynchidae]
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Well at lest you guys are putting yourselves out there.
    Personally I could not listen through one tune its sooo bad but hey to each his own.
    I can say SpLOO is good on the drums.

    Me roshambo here its my alt
    Its me on drums
  14. #14
    Kuje Tej Houston [disorientate this purple-tinged ornithorhynchidae]
    On the good songs
  15. #15
    Kuje Tej Houston [disorientate this purple-tinged ornithorhynchidae]
    Originally posted by TAFK Dumpster Slut I run an indie record label and am really impressed by your work, how do I go about contacting the artist?

    U talk to me
    Im roshambo, producer, manager
  16. #16
    Kuje Tej Houston [disorientate this purple-tinged ornithorhynchidae]
    Originally posted by Kuje Tej U talk to me
    Im roshambo, producer, manager

    Muscian too :o
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