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  1. #1
    find it odd how like you'll think of something then you'll visit the wired and suddenly see it somewhere, people start talking about it?

    there is probably like a 100% chance aliens of some sort (most likely an ASI) are in contact with us and I personally feel as though I have been in communication with them.
    I'm pretty sure I'm not schizophrenic so this leaves either three options

    - government gaslighting using certain technology to project audio to my mind
    - hallucinations caused from extreme prolonged states of anxiety
    - aliens are in communication with me
    - the Universe is in communication with me

    Regardless I have some stories to tell.

    I can't tell whether this place is just a psyop to trick me (I know lanny is just a cointelpro shill) but if you're all interested stay tuned.
    100% aliens are real and within the next decade or two we for sure should be in public contact with aliens.
  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Tell us about your experiences.
  3. #3
    Ok so anyhoo

    If you focus deep within, you can tap into a biological internet where you can draw information from a Universal mindbank.
    A few years ago I would have random knowledge just ... force itself in my mind out of nowhere and there should be no reason for me to think of these things ... yet they just happen out of the blue.
    At first I was taken aback but being the cyberpunk hikikomori I am I immediately suspected something was seriously amiss.
    I know for certain I am not mentally ill, but ... for the past decade I have been high or drunk consistently.
    I'm still sure of when I'm lucid or going off into a stupor or whatever, I can observe my mental state perfectly fine.

    You all have this power within you .. just get off the facebook, get off the medication, don't ever drink anything caffeinated, stay away from fast food and sugary sweats and don't ever indulge in anything from jedilywood.
    Meditate, daydream, visualize work and expand your mental-space and YOU will see what I'm talking about.
  4. #4
    I swear I'm not trolling or LARPing.
    As soon as I get some rest I'll do a vocaroo about my situation.
  5. #5
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    How you conclude 100%?

  6. #6

    the Universe is pre-programmed for life.
    The ISS observed debris falling towards the earth that contained DNA that they found to be the building blocks of organic life.
    This suggests that something similar is happening elsewhere, as this Universe is very orderly and predictable.
    Also the statistics that suggest intelligent life should be abundant, plus all the discoveries of earth-like habitable planets and possible alien messages transmitted to us through space. etc
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume ^

    the Universe is pre-programmed for life.

    The Universe is not programmed, it just is the way it is due to it's quantum state right after the big bang.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume The ISS observed debris falling towards the earth that contained DNA that they found to be the building blocks of organic life.

    ISS is not equipped to study space debris in any meaningful way. Secondly, DNA has never been observed on asteroids and similar. You are confusing DNA and amino acids.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume This suggests that something similar is happening elsewhere, as this Universe is very orderly and predictable.

    The Universe is constantly moving towards a state of more disorder(Read entropy), however it does so in a predictable manner. We can also predict it's behavior based on our understanding of the laws of physics.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Also the statistics that suggest intelligent life should be abundant, plus all the discoveries of earth-like habitable planets and possible alien messages transmitted to us through space. etc

    Name one planet outside of our Solar System that is confirmed to be habitable. Right temperature, presence of liquid water etc. I am not saying they're not out there(These planets) i am sure there are, we just don't have any evidence that all the Earth-like planets we have found are actually habitable.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    I have no reason to post in this thread.
  9. #9
    "The Universe is not programmed, it just is the way it is due to it's quantum state right after the big bang."

    No, it is programmed.
    You could devolve this into a chicken-egg argument, but that doesn't change the fact that this Universe has certain characteristics that keep it evolving a certain way, I see that as programming.

    Sure the Universe started out as chaos, then eventually evolved into what it is now through the processes of error-correction, that doesn't change the fact that it was programmed to happen that way in the first place.

    "Name one planet outside of our Solar System that is confirmed to be habitable. Right temperature, presence of liquid water etc. I am not saying they're not out there(These planets) i am sure there are, we just don't have any evidence that all the Earth-like planets we have found are actually habitable. "
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume "The Universe is not programmed, it just is the way it is due to it's quantum state right after the big bang."

    No, it is programmed.
    You could devolve this into a chicken-egg argument, but that doesn't change the fact that this Universe has certain characteristics that keep it evolving a certain way, I see that as programming.

    1. Learn to quote properly.
    2. The characteristics that keep the Universe evolving a certain way are called the laws of physics and they are so by chance not by design as programmed would imply it was so by design.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Sure the Universe started out as chaos, then eventually evolved into what it is now through the processes of error-correction, that doesn't change the fact that it was programmed to happen that way in the first place.

    Do you even fucking science bro or are you just pulling this all out of your ass? The Universe did not start out as chaos, the mere fact that the Universe gets more disorderly in time should clue you into the fact that when you turn back the clock it becomes more orderly. Stars, planets, galaxies, radiation, all that shit is way more disorderly than a big giant cloud of hydrogen and helium just hanging there, as the Universe was right after the big bang.

    Also let me ask you something. According to inflationary theory the big bang happened, and it happened from an infinitely small and dense point. Which rules apply on the smallest of scales? Those of quantum mechanics and if there is one thing we know about the quantum world it's that it is random. Ergo, under the laws of quantum mechanics it is impossible for the Universe to be programmed as it came into existence.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume "Name one planet outside of our Solar System that is confirmed to be habitable. Right temperature, presence of liquid water etc. I am not saying they're not out there(These planets) i am sure there are, we just don't have any evidence that all the Earth-like planets we have found are actually habitable. "

    Not only do you not science i see you don't even English either. I said there is no evidence that the planets we found are habitable. 'Potentially' means they could be, it does not mean 'they are'.
  11. #11
    Does your personality come from child abuse or do you just choose to be an asshole
  12. #12
    Also "sophie", I could debate with you on what it was I was talking about (which you have no clue about, instead you used your tiny pea-brain like lanny and jumped to conclusions based on your false perspective).
    The Universe is an ongoing process, one that started before the bigbang and doesn't end with this Universe either.

    I'll make a vocaroo about this sometime.

    Also there was a recent article about a habitable planet found, if you weren't such a retard that spent your time trying to seem intellectually superior to others (hint: you're not) you would be aware of all this.
    I'm not going to go through the effort of googling something like that for you, you can find it on your own.

    Judging by your posts it's clear you're approaching this from the outdated 20th century perspective.

    also no I don't care about English, as soon as I master nihongo I'll wipe my mind of the English language and my life prior to FIVR
  13. #13
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Does your personality come from child abuse or do you just choose to be an asshole

    Does my text on your screen hurt you?

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Also "sophie", I could debate with you on what it was I was talking about (which you have no clue about, instead you used your tiny pea-brain like lanny and jumped to conclusions based on your false perspective).

    In other words you don't have any solid argument nor scientific backing to support what you claim. Got it.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume The Universe is an ongoing process, one that started before the bigbang and doesn't end with this Universe either.

    Tell you what, link me a paper on the subject and i will consider what you said.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume I'll make a vocaroo about this sometime.

    Don't bother, no one cares.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume

    Your pop culture understanding of physics, maths and programming is really shining through here. Here is the related paper.

    Point out to me where there is computer code in the actual math. Go ahead. Protip: You can't.

    If you have the mental capacity to do so, see and what you will find is a type of math in the equations for information representation in string theory that looks like Shannon coding. Shannon coding is not computer code. It is a mathematical way to represent information.

    Thinking that computer code literally turns up in string theory is as stupid as thinking that wheels turn up in orbital mechanics because wheels are circles and circles have something to do with pi and you see pi in the math for orbital dynamics too.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Also there was a recent article about a habitable planet found, if you weren't such a retard that spent your time trying to seem intellectually superior to others (hint: you're not) you would be aware of all this.

    Yeah because being intellectually superior has anything to do with keeping up with news articles. Also you mean this article

    That's funny because again there's the word "potentially" you dumb piece of shit.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Judging by your posts it's clear you're approaching this from the outdated 20th century perspective.

    Judging by your posts you're a literal retard.
  14. #14
    What you're doing is like when people such as me say we're in a computer-like existence, or a "simulation" and you instantly jump to the thought that we're describing a world run on some computer in another universe where a teenager is playing a highly sophisticated version of The Sims.
    You're incapable of deep rational thought, so you misconstrue my posts and with your limited understanding turn around and accuse me of having a pop-culture mindset.

    I'm through talking to you
  15. #15
    also bragging about being a pedophile tranny is so 2013
  16. #16
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Sophie.
    What you're doing is like when people such as me say we're in a computer-like existence, or a "simulation" and you instantly jump to the thought that we're describing a world run on some computer in another universe where a teenager is playing a highly sophisticated version of The Sims. You're incapable of deep rational thought, so you misconstrue my posts and with your limited understanding turn around and accuse me of having a pop-culture mindset.

    I'm through talking to you

    What you are doing is hand-waving established science away like you're some sort of all knowing figure. It is the pinnacle of arrogance. You accuse me of limited understanding but it will be clear to anyone reading the thread that you are the one who hasn't a clue of what they're talking about.

    You're clearly also very mad.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume also bragging about being a pedophile tranny is so 2013
  17. #17
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    the universe began as chaos and getting even chaotic still. if it was orderly it wouldnt have gotten unstable and blew up with a big bang ... but instead consolidate into a solid ball of something.

    orderly in this universe is like a kind of nirvana, an ideal that looks good on paper, doesnt work.
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