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Satanic Canadian busted for trying to fuck a 14 year olds ass

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    If you're going to be a child predator why would you wear a blazer in public telling the world you're into satanic ritual abuse?

  2. #2
    bling bling Dark Matter

    By Adr. Isaac Bonewits (C) 1990

    In DP #6 I discussed the phenomenon of fundimentalist Christians starting
    religious freedom groups, suggesting that it would be unwise for Neopagans
    to assist them. Elsewhere in this issue I'd like to lift up the
    fundimentalist rock and see what's crawling around underneath it.

    I've been inspired to write this essay by the astonishing news that a
    civil liberties coalition of Neopagan and othe roccult groups in St. Louis,
    Missouri, - The Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions, or "AMER" - has
    Michael Aquino's Temple of Set (an ultra-right wing offshoot of Anton
    LaVey's Church of Satan) as an active member and his wife Lillith Aquino as
    one of their directors! Surely, I said to myself, they've got to be kidding...

    Like most Neopagans, I believe that toleration in general is A Good Thing,
    Unlike some, however, I also think it can be foolishm when exercised too much
    towards those who would like to destroy us. For example, when I go to a
    Pagan festival, I don't mind Budhists, Agnostics or liberal monotheists
    showing up to check us out. Yet I feel violated when fundimentalists arrive
    with intent to spy upon us, to convert us, or to interfere with our activities.
    I have much the same reaction when I see Satanists at our festivals or in
    "Our" bookstores trying to recruit new members.

    Some Satanists will claim that, like Neopagans, they are an oppressed
    religion, that they are misunderstood, that they are the victims of the
    Christian press. They will quote the old saying, "the enemy of my enemy is
    my friend," and argue that we should become their allies. All of which makes
    sense only if you are ignorant about both Satanism and Neopaganism.

    As I have written elsewhere, there are several kinds of Satanist: One
    type is the Liberal Heterodox or punk Satanist. These are the anarchist sorts,
    generally young, who stress the revolutionary or Luciferian side of the
    Satan myth. They are essentially rebelling against subservience to the
    Christian God, the sickness of Christian morality, and their parents. A
    sizable proportion of them might have become Neopagans if they had heard of
    us first, and some of them convert later on. As far as I can tell, they seem
    to grow out of being Satanists when they finish adolescence.

    Another type of Satanist is the Conservative Orthodox or Fascist sort,
    generally older, uneducated, and unsuccessful (the basic KKK or American Nazi
    Party recruit), though their leaders can be quite clever and successful.
    These are the right wing Satanists who like to stress the might-makes-right,
    dictatorial side of the Satan image. Major denominations would include the
    Church of Satan and the Temple of Set, both of whom are careful to
    distinguish themselves from the other types.

    A third kind of Satanist is the "Sincere sociopath" (Paul Suliin's term),
    or crazy kind. These folks are obsessed with the deathm torture, rape, and
    madness parts of the Satan archetype. Usually from extremely dysfunctional
    families, these people have grown up being told that they are evil, so they
    try to fulfull everyone's expectations. They tend to commit various horrible
    crimes in Satan's name, and sometimes belong to one of the other sorts of
    Satanism as well. Right wing Satanic leaders, when speaking for the public
    record, always deny that the sincere sociopaths are "real" Satanists, much
    as other Christians disown criminal behavior by people calling themselves

    Another category of Satanists (who seem to be mostly imaginary), is the
    supposed global conspiracy of child molesting, kidnapping, human sacrificing,
    cannibalistic, multigenerational criminals who haunt the dreams of
    fundamentalist Christians and Gerlado Rivera. The primary evidence for this
    conspiracy comes from people who believe themselves to be "ritual abuse
    survivors" and from Christian preachers who claim to be ex-leaders in the
    conspiracy. Of course, the accusations of incestous orgies, human sacrifice,
    and cannibalism have been laid against many minority religions over the
    centuries, including the early Roman Christians themselves, jedis, "witches",
    and various heretical groups. These claims serve mostly to whip up public
    hyseria against the chosen target groups, in this case modern Satanists, who
    can be easily and deliberately equated with Neopagans and New Agers.

    Some of the survivors do appear to have been through some kind of horrible
    experiences that their minds have chosen to interpet as Satanic Rituals, just
    as others with similar stories have interpeted their experiences as
    encounters wityh UFO's. Unfortunately, hard evidence, in the form of actual
    bodies or the names of real people who could be arrested and charged with
    crimes, just doesn't exist. I suspect that the survivors were actually
    molested and tortured by their own parents or local religious leaders, and
    their memories became distorted by their childhood ideas about evil, in order
    to explain their suffering to themselves. One telling example of how this
    process can work is that of an Orthodox jedi abuse survivor, who believes
    she was tortured by people in Nazi uniforms (in the U.S. in the 1960's). She
    had no mental equation that "evil people = Satanists," so she insterted the
    images of what she did have : "Evil people = Nazis." On the other hand, the
    sorts of crimes reported are well within the might-makes-right morality
    that many Satanists promote, and I have no doubt that more than a few Satanists
    have taken advantage of their "moral freedom" to commit atrocities, even
    against their own children. I just don't believe that these psychos constitute
    an organized conspiracy.

    As for the professional "ex-Satanic High Priests," they seem to be short on
    evidence of their claims too. Oddly enough, although some of these preachers
    have confessed to multiple felonies on nationwide television, none has ever
    been arrested, nor have any of them gone to local police and confessed their
    crimes. Subsequently, none has ever served prison time for deeds that would
    normally put themn away for the rest of their lives. Apparently, if you claim
    to have reformed yourself and become a good Christian, you no longer need
    to pay your debt to society, no matter how terrible the crimes you've
    admitted. Any of you attending public lectures by such "ex-Satanists" might
    want to bring this up with local law enforcement officers and, if possible
    under local laws, make citizen's arrests - I for one would love to see such
    liars forced to testify under oath in a court of law.

    This brings us to the last, and by the largest, category of Satanists: the
    fundimentalist Christians themselves, who spend all their time inflating the
    image of Satan, feeding psychic energy into the archetype, and publishing
    detailed descriptions of the sorts of evil acts that devil worhsippers are
    suuposed to engage in - descriptions that other sorts of Satanists are only
    too eager to imitate.

    We Neopagans are constantly having to explain to the general public that
    Satan is a figure in Christian Mythology, that our deities are far older
    and more powerful, and that you hvae to be a Christian or a Moslem in order
    to worship the Devil because nobody else believs in him. We know full well
    that the fundamentalists are activelky working to blur the distinctions
    between Satanism and Paganism in the public mind, and we should know that
    having a cozy relationship with Satanists is going to play right into the
    Christian smear campaign.

    So why are we tolerant of obnoxious, unethical, or nasty behavior when the
    people involved are calling themselves Satanists, when we wouldn't cut
    fundamentalist Christians engaging in the same kind of behavior so much slack?
    Granted, Satanism is a part of the occult comunity, since its the "occult"
    or hidden side of fundimentalism, and advocates the practice of various sorts
    of ceremonial magic. As we know, the occult/magical/metaphysical community
    comprises a wide variety of organizations and individuals - good, bad, ugly,
    and just plain weird. We don't have to be friendly to all of them, nor accept
    them as equalks or allies. Neopagans have enough trouble with interacting
    with those Meseopagans (such as Crowleyites, Odonists and Voodooists) who
    engage in activities of which many Neopagans disapprove, without allying
    ourselves with and defending a bunch of jerks, fascists, and psychopaths who
    have publically and proudly announced their allegiance to the the supreme
    figure of evil in Western culture.

    I don't care of it's possible to come up with rational-sounding arguments
    that the Devil isn't really such a bad fellow, or to claim that you're really
    worshipping the Norse deity Loki, or the Egyptian god Set, or various
    Lovecraftian critters, and that they were all victims of bad public relations.
    Such arguments don't change the subconscious images that most people
    (including the Satanists) have of these entities, nor the flavor of the
    psychic energy that they tap into. Nor does it matter that public
    representatives of Satanic organizations are frequently charming and
    charismatic individuals - so was Adolph Hitler. And I don't care if some
    Satanists are really proto-Pagans - we can give them the information they need
    to mature without having to pretend that their juvenile sophistries deserve

    Lets review the facts about the origins, philosophy, and character of

    ORIGINS: Satan as a demigod was created to besmear the Palepagan horned
    gods and to fulfill the necessary role of the Evil God who fights their Good
    God. A deity of absolute evil makes no sense in a polytheistic system, only
    in a dualistic one. All the difference forms of Satanism now active in the
    West are branches of conservative Christianity. Satanism as an organization
    was created by Catholicism as an inverted version of itself, with a little
    help from leftover Gnostic heretics (see the books of Jeffrey Burton Russell
    for details). It was the Christians who defined the practices, symbols, and
    beliefs of Satanism in the first place, while the writings of modern Satanists
    have mearly given a "blackwash" to the fundimentally Christian concepts

    PHILOSOPHY: Satanists are obsessed with forcing everyone into simplistic
    Christian/Islamic dualism, just as other fundamentalists are. That's why
    they insist on lumping the "White Witches" and Neopagans in with their
    official enemies, the Christians, whenever they're not trying to recruit us
    as allies. LaVey's latest propaganda book (The Church of Satan, supposedly by
    "authorized biographer" Blanche Barton) actually goes so far as to denounce
    several well known Neopagans (including yours truly) by name in the same
    paragraph with fundamentalist Michael Warnke and competitor Michael Aquino
    (Who stole most of LaVey's membership). Most Satanic "philosophy" simply
    consists of turning Catholicism or other forms of conservative Christianity
    upside-down and inside-out (as if thats going to be an improvement),
    advocating hedonism, and adding some warmed-over quotes from Crowley,
    Nietzsche, or Hitler to the mix. Way deep inside, it's shallow.

    CHARACTER: Most Satanists actively approve of behavior, magical and
    mundance, that Neopagans consider to be unethical and immoral. Some Satanists
    are just as evil - in every interpetation that the Neopagan Community would
    agree upon - as the members of the Inquisition, Hitler's stormtroopers,
    Stalin's secret police, or Central American death squads. There is nothin in
    Satanic belief (left wing, right wing, oor sociopathic) to seperate the
    genuinely evil from the mearly obnoxious; anything you can get away with is
    approved of by the God of Evil.

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