2017-05-01 at 9:56 AM UTC
SM theory describes a simplistic model of social systems. There are two kinds of people. Those shaking and those moving. Shakers can be described as those that are have a drive which enables perception and sense to drive movement. Movers are those that calculate their movement so that regardless of anticipation or ignorance of it the motions they make are fluid so long as they are not disrupted.
Through disruption the mover gathers information and the shaker accumulates distortion. In a shaker distortion presents as anxiety and insecurity. This mindset will drive a vehicle very carelessly as they will always be attending to the most current stimuli rather than the most pressing. The movers have learned to take this shaking and control it.
A simple example of shakers and movers is that shakers do not control their shivering. A mover can intentionally shiver. This seems a silly distinction but consider it in terms of survival. If a mover knows the temperature they can shiver at the most opprotune timing. But a shaker will feel the cold and go into a shivering state of mind. The shaker does not intentionally shake, they do so because their perception and sense tell them to.
The result is that shakers cannot control their movement and so cannot direct it. The movers direct their own movment and through that are able to direct the shakers and better interpret their moving peers.
2017-05-01 at 10:42 AM UTC
you're the worst psuedointellect ever hansen
2017-05-01 at 10:55 AM UTC
I don't get it, is this like your pet theory or something that you came up with yourself? Also shivering is an involuntary reflex action, I don't understand why you would want to shiver on purpose when your body can do it for you automatically.
Are you high right now
2017-05-01 at 11:31 AM UTC
The best type of mover and shaker is a bartender making a delicious martini.
2017-05-04 at 3:40 PM UTC
FM 21-76 states in section 15 that a naked man at full shiver can keep heat at about freezing. It also states he cant do this forever because shivering takes energy. The statement "full shiver" stands out to me as it implies that there is some control over the shivering function.
I will concede that you cant help but shiver but shivering is a result of rapid muscle contraction and release. If you conciously relax yourself you can lessen the shivering intensity. If you conciously tense yourself you cab increase it.
Relating this to the social theory i conjected it seems plausible that when someone is so angry they are shaking it is because they lost control over their muscle movement on a certian level. Hence they basically shiver out of anger. Perhaps the phenomenon of an alcoholic with the shakes is similar but the loss of control is chemically stimulated rather than psycologically.
2017-05-04 at 3:44 PM UTC
You are the fucking worst armchair psychologist I have ever seen
2017-05-04 at 3:52 PM UTC
You are just jealous you didnt make the observation first bitch!
2017-05-04 at 4:02 PM UTC
Do or do not. There is no try.