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star trek

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    you dont understand how ahead I am of so many people. for instance not only do I speak english fluently here but can pronounciation words correctly and make my sentences flow naturally. this alone puts me ahead of 99 percent other polish people to any internstional company looking for freelancers or even in house ppl. secondly, I can do it all. gay porn, web design, blogging, journalism, translations videoe diting, etc. its only a matter of time boi only a matter of time until my talents are discovered and Im making the big bucks again. You forgot to realzie I have had a hussle where companies would pay me a shitload of money to mention them in some of my articles so I always had a come up or knew how to make fast money unlike you and your boring tow hour commited and pencil pushing desk job. oh and guess what, I can lewrn absolutely anything via udemy even user experience or user interface dsign if I feel like it. heck if I wanted to i could probably be an influencer. plus some of the gigs actually paid well like 100-200 per article daily ive had for four months tho i blew through the money now
  2. #2
    Post a soundcloud clip of you speaking English. Not just a little bit, like at least a few paragraphs
  3. #3
    Because from what I’ve seen of you your English sucks ass.
  4. #4
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]

    Have fun explaining that to your landlord when they ask for rent.
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