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Trump is going down.
2020-02-22 at 2:42 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-02-22 at 2:45 PM UTC10,000 years of Trumpist rule!
2020-02-22 at 2:47 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is the only response the left has when presented with information and facts that don't fir your skewed narrative. Dismiis the source with no facts, source, or information to refute the information you have dismissed based on a source you know little to nothing about.
From: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-112hhrg81133/html/CHRG-112hhrg81133.htm
[House Hearing, 112 Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
before the
of the
DECEMBER 4, 2012
Serial No. 112-124
This wouldn't happen to be an assessment from the same intelligence apparatus that Trump has repeatedly claimed doesn't know their ass from a whole in the ground, would it? Mr. Parker? -
2020-02-22 at 3:16 PM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 This wouldn't happen to be an assessment from the same intelligence apparatus that Trump has repeatedly claimed doesn't know their ass from a whole in the ground, would it? Mr. Parker?
It is hole in the ground not whole in the ground you illiterate fuck. No, that is from house subcommittees in 2012 but if you had read it you would know that. Now address that which you don't seem to have an intelligent response to.
How does stopping travel to and from 13 nations known to harbor and finance terror cells who have stated they wish to destroy America sacrifice your essential liberties? -
2020-02-22 at 5:37 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker It is hole in the ground not whole in the ground you illiterate fuck. No, that is from house subcommittees in 2012 but if you had read it you would know that. Now address that which you don't seem to have an intelligent response to.
How does stopping travel to and from 13 nations known to harbor and finance terror cells who have stated they wish to destroy America sacrifice your essential liberties?
I think we'll go ahead and use your dear leader's logic on this one, Speedy. Since the house was controlled by Republicans at that time it was obviously politically motivated by the same people who wanted the travel bans later.
Make sense? Lol
Plus like Trump says, our intelligence is not to be trusted. -
2020-02-22 at 5:46 PM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 I think we'll go ahead and use your dear leader's logic on this one, Speedy. Since the house was controlled by Republicans at that time it was obviously politically motivated by the same people who wanted the travel bans later.
Make sense? Lol
Plus like Trump says, our intelligence is not to be trusted.
How does stopping travel to and from 13 nations known to harbor and finance terror cells who have stated they wish to destroy America sacrifice your essential liberties? -
2020-02-22 at 5:56 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:04 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:06 PM UTCwhy you two even trying to argue any semblance of logic- with a brick?
2020-02-22 at 6:20 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:21 PM UTC
Originally posted by Netflxchillr why you two even trying to argue any semblance of logic- with a brick?
I'm not arguing with him. He has no argument. The travel ban simply does not sacrifice the essential liberties of Americans for security. The Patriot Act is great example of legislation which sacrificed our essential liberties for the illusion of security. I am trying to get him to explain why he thinks the travel ban infringes on his essential liberties. -
2020-02-22 at 6:23 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker I'm not arguing with him. He has no argument. The travel ban simply does not sacrifice the essential liberties of Americans for security. The Patriot Act is great example of legislation which sacrificed our essential liberties for the illusion of security. I am trying to get him to explain why he thinks the travel ban infringes on his essential liberties.
it deprived him of opportunity to meet fresh of the boat immigrants and make new friemds. -
2020-02-22 at 6:23 PM UTCNo bitches like "Larry" ever have an actual arguement. Just deal with "his" PMS and move along.
2020-02-22 at 6:24 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker He can't even answer a basic question on how the travel ban sacrifices essential American liberties.
Fact is America should have no jurisdiction of what American citizens do outside of it's own border. You wanna come to Canada and smoke weed? You've committed no crime. You wanna visit Tehran? Who's to tell you not to?
Then there's international law and the law of the country you're visiting, which should be respected. No US citizen should be held to US law when they're outside the US. Else us in Canada might as well deny selling our weed to tourists. -
2020-02-22 at 6:25 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:35 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Fact is America should have no jurisdiction of what American citizens do outside of it's own border. You wanna come to Canada and smoke weed? You've committed no crime. You wanna visit Tehran? Who's to tell you not to?
Then there's international law and the law of the country you're visiting, which should be respected. No US citizen should be held to US law when they're outside the US. Else us in Canada might as well deny selling our weed to tourists.
The U.S. maintains embargoes against several countries. Many of these include travel restrictions. The U.S. government generally holds that U.S. citizens are liable for taxes, regardless of where they live. Many countries have tax treaties with the U.S. that in some cases reduces or eliminates this burden, but in general, if you are a U.S. citizen and you make enough money in a foreign country, the U.S. government will expect you to pay U.S. taxes. The Wall Street Journal blog published an article titled; "The U.S. is the only industrialized country that requires citizens to pay income tax on offshore earnings, and many are finding the complications and cost of maintaining U.S. citizenship abroad to be increasingly burdensome."
It is against U.S. law (the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) to bribe foreign officials regardless of where you are when you do it. The U.S. also sometimes has jurisdiction in foreign countries. Obvious examples would be military bases and embassies, and all vessels registered in the U.S. Besides the fact that saying that airlines can't use airports on US soil to depart to certain nations is not applying US law to citizens who are abroad. -
2020-02-22 at 6:39 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:49 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:50 PM UTC
2020-02-22 at 6:52 PM UTC