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The Recovery Thread (The Other TRT)

  1. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by CASPER Speak to a doctor. Theres a handful of things they give alcoholics to ease withdrawals. Dont try to do everything all at once though. if youre serious about it, start drinking beer or something. And the least pleasant beer you can manage. Start taking multivitamins, fish oil. At least 15 min of sun a day for vitamin D. And give it at least 2 weeks before you decide it isnt working.

    I will..@"Speak to a doctor". I definitely need something to ease that shit..only been 26-7 hrs and I can't get my mind of..just one more bottle. All the yrs I've been doing this to myself I have never obsessed over it..I always had that in check and it was never an issue. Nothing significant good or bad has happened to me recently to trigger this either. I don't know whats going on with me...a lot more on edge and crabby with people. Check on the m.v. and f.o.:) Ugh I hate the sun but fine I can do 15 mins a day. No not a vampire although...nevermind lol. 2 weeks...can you send Wariat in a cage si I can beat him like a pinata? come on...I don't need the gym or punching bags...I need to torture humaniods for this to work.

    You're a pretty good doctor there. Keep up the good work helping folk out like me.
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  2. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That post binge anxiety feeling is the reason i dont drink heavily anymore. Do you ever get that? I dont end up hungover personally. Water always manages to help me escape them.

    Anyway do you use any other substances? Its the only way I'm ever able to switch from drinking

    No not really@anxiety...but I feel ya.

    Water and I are bonding. Noooooo no other substances. I kinda dabbled in just about everything besides alcohol mid teens to like 26-7 ball park. Only think thats comforted me, been there for me, and someone I can really talk to has always been alcohol. Nothing has grabbed hold of me like her. I was her proerty and she was my best friend. Seems like the last few weeks my best friend has been slowly turning on me. If I were younger say in my 20's these feelings deep inside wouldn't have bothered me as much but now holy fuck! merciless cunt inside. I gotta do something..

    If I don't make some changes soon...I really honest to God and everything else...gonna go *BOOM* AND it ain't gonna be pretty. I've only gone truly *BOOM* a couple times in my whole life and this feels nuclear compared to those times

    Living online most especially at night...watching movies and post on forums like this is at least a good distraction from the *BOOM* INSIDE me. Least I can live in other people's darknesses whether its a movie or some dude on some forum..The darkness always has a hold on me..
  3. Originally posted by Dregs No not really@anxiety…but I feel ya.

    Water and I are bonding. Noooooo no other substances. I kinda dabbled in just about everything besides alcohol mid teens to like 26-7 ball park. Only think thats comforted me, been there for me, and someone I can really talk to has always been alcohol. Nothing has grabbed hold of me like her. I was her proerty and she was my best friend. Seems like the last few weeks my best friend has been slowly turning on me. If I were younger say in my 20's these feelings deep inside wouldn't have bothered me as much but now holy fuck! merciless cunt inside. I gotta do something..

    If I don't make some changes soon…I really honest to God and everything else…gonna go *BOOM* AND it ain't gonna be pretty. I've only gone truly *BOOM* a couple times in my whole life and this feels nuclear compared to those times

    Living online most especially at night…watching movies and post on forums like this is at least a good distraction from the *BOOM* INSIDE me. Least I can live in other people's darknesses whether its a movie or some dude on some forum..The darkness always has a hold on me..

    BOOM = bad

    Do not BOOM
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  4. All I wanna do is zooma zooma zoom zoom in your boom boom
  5. Originally posted by Solstice All I wanna do is zooma zooma zoom zoom in your boom boom

    Lol my old manager used to sing this nightly. One time we filled up the whiteboard with never ending lyrics and I slipped more lyrics onto his closing sheet. It was a good time.
  6. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace BOOM = bad

    Do not BOOM

    Sometimes the BOOM is therapeutic though. I'm trying...but I think as long as I do this..people will start going missing. Shit like that can't helped if I am going to do this 100% til I feel 100% again
  7. snab_snib African Astronaut
    if you actually needed to mitigate symptoms of w/d from alcohol... that's literally what phenibut and baclofen were made for. baclofen is harder to find but phenibut can be had cheaply and easily from supplement and nootropic websites online. they basically function similar to alcohol without the intoxication and without dopamine reuptake inhibition which leads to compulsive redosing of alcohol. it'll make you feel easy and ok, while your body adapts to life without alcohol. 60 bucks gets you like, a lifetime supply. get a bag of 00 capsules on amazon, and start with 2 or 3 caps of powder, (1-2.5 grams) and you can work your way up to like... christ like 25 grams of the stuff if you need to.
  8. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Interesting read. I will cautiously do my own research on this and theres a good chance you are trying to make me kill myself. IF however you are correct on this and its actually YOU being helpful. I will eventually thank you...and replace Casper as my doctor and put you in his place.
  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Ive never tried phenibutt because it seems like a reddit drug and even roshambo was begging sploo not to do it, so you thats how you know its its nothing to take lightly
  10. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    phenibut feels like lyrica [pregabalin]
  12. Originally posted by Cheyes Ive never tried phenibutt because it seems like a reddit drug and even roshambo was begging sploo not to do it, so you thats how you know its its nothing to take lightly

    Says guy smoking crack lmao
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  13. Originally posted by Cheyes Ive never tried phenibutt because it seems like a reddit drug and even roshambo was begging sploo not to do it, so you thats how you know its its nothing to take lightly

    Maybe research into a drug to make your decision instead of just basing it on whether or not it can be obtained in an alley way as opposed to the internet?
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  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Feeling a bit better today. Think its a confluence of factors- like my body falling apart and not doing things i want it to do.

    Another i think was the fact that ive been talking to this girl every day that i went to HS with. Shes been super sweet and supportive, and shes dealing with depression and shit. We’ve been trying to meet up for the past month or so since i finally got my car, but the only day we each have off is sunday, and last sunday I had to fill in to to rep an area NA meeting, and when i got out a couple hours later, she said it was already late and wed do something again next week. I think she was annoyed i didnt ask her out for valentines day even though there was no way i could take off work, and she doesnt like going out late like when i got off work at 9. Well she met some guy online they went out that night and now theyre dating and she texted me she fucked him and now im kind of being a giant jealous faggot even though bigbrain casper knows functionalky nothing has changed, and if i had anyone or anything else in my life, there wouldnt be so many feels. So im trying not to ignore her like i do whenim normally pissed off. Trying to just be a friend. Get my own shit together. Im going to my doc in a couple hours to tellhim im not taking zoloft anymore, and gonna try to get a referral for an endocrinologist to figure out wtf is going on with me otherwise.

    So depression score today = 6/10. Think im going to make some eggs.

    tl;dr- im a gigantic mopey faggot who likes huevos ranchero
  15. Originally posted by Solstice Maybe research into a drug to make your decision instead of just basing it on whether or not it can be obtained in an alley way as opposed to the internet?

    Seriously, this guy does crack and street opiates and he's worried phenibut is too hardcore of a 'reddit drug'? Lmao.
  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Tbf crack and heroin are both way more mellow than i ever thought theyd be.

    Sometimes id be talking tona new acquaintance and the topic of drugs would come up. Id tellthem i did H and theyd be like “No way thats hardcore dude. When was the last time u did some?” and im like “about 25 min ago” and their mind is blown bc they thought heroin just does one thing. At the end i functioned more normally on three quarters of a gramkf heroin and a couple bumps of fent than i could on a few hits of a potent marijuana reefer.
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  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Thats glorifying
  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Nah i mean theyre still both shitty but nowhere near as “wild” as people think they are. The wildness comes from years of compounded mental health issues and lifestyle factors.


    i had eggs and airhead valentines day candy instead of hot dogs and oreos for breakfast and im gonna see the doctor ina a few min.
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Going to the welfare office SOBER as a JUDGE JUDY DONT PISS ON MY FACE AND TELL ME ITS RAINING

    Nice dude. They have any job programs? Youre a smart dude. im sure they could help you find something thats not beneath you, and itd probably be good to get out if the house. Then you and lucy can get to work filling the halls with the joyous sound of children’s laughter.
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