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When Mormons or JoHo's come to your house so you let them in and sit down to start talking to them and just casually pull out some drugs and start snorting fat lines or smoking a blunt but continue the conversation as if nothing weird is going on do you think they would get mad or something?

  1. #1
    Im pretty 50/50 on this.
  2. #2
    The crack shack was behind the Salvation Army, so it saw lots of traffic. The road along my house had cars parked up and down both sides on certain days of the week (not fun when you are tripping out on meth and haven't slept)

    People would knock on my door all th time asking to pick fruit off my trees or take the walnuts or firewood or the leaves for compost. I had marijuana growing indoors and out and some church people came by and wanted to give me a bible, I'm like "OK COOL THANKS" (there were 5 fully grown female marijuana plants behind them)
    Then my dad comes outta nowhere and he's smoking a joint and starts talking to them so I just went inside.

    If you are just chilling in your house doing drugs nobody cares, not even the police.
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