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lol warsaw legia hooligans threaten investors in French
2020-02-12 at 6:23 AM UTCif they will support the rival and third league team in Warsaw called Polonia:,54420,25687224,michal-listkiewicz-dla-wyborczej-trzeba-sie-sprzeciwic-temu.html -
2020-02-12 at 6:23 AM UTC
2020-02-12 at 12:59 PM UTC
2020-02-12 at 1:20 PM UTClol @ Polish football hooligans.
2020-02-12 at 1:26 PM UTCFucking shit.
Aushwitz united. -
2020-02-12 at 1:44 PM UTCCan't blame them being so angry though...what with all those hairy East European women they have to deal with. Am I right Teeheehee or am I right?
2020-02-12 at 1:57 PM UTCAm not hairy. Thanx.
2020-02-12 at 2:09 PM UTC