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2020-02-09 at 4:19 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 4:20 AM UTCThat's why I'm so retarded.
2020-02-09 at 4:20 AM UTCI knew it!!!!
2020-02-09 at 4:22 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 4:23 AM UTCI just knew you were dropped in yer head at least 10 times. I knew spectral wasn’t right when he said 2😁
2020-02-09 at 4:27 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 4:28 AM UTCGimme your Dad’s email so I can find out fer sure.
2020-02-09 at 4:58 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 4:59 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 5:01 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 5:17 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 5:20 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 8:34 AM UTC
2020-02-09 at 12:16 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-02-09 at 2:19 PM UTC
2020-02-09 at 2:25 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-02-09 at 2:46 PM UTCHey. Cult leaders are people, too.
2020-02-09 at 2:55 PM UTCJust like Jim Jones?
2020-02-09 at 3:56 PM UTC
2020-02-09 at 8:54 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yes, narc will now share with us his knowledge of artilleries from his combat experiences.
how do artilleries work narc ?
There are many different types of gun and even more types of ammunition giving them many different roles. But generally you have cannon or field guns which will be generally aimed directly at the target so would be used mostly against armour and buildings. Howitzer and mortars fire shells up which then drop down on to the target, often at great distances, and work best in a suppressive role. In other words suppressing or pinning down enemy in a certain area. Other than that you could use many guns to attack towns and villages but anything bigger than a small village would only be giving you an 'harassing' type of barrage which would have a very limited effect on small groups that could be hiding anywhere in the town. Unless you had spotters who could pin point an exact building that they occupied you would be unlikely to hit them. And if you were sending a spotting unit in then they may as well just attack them themselves as they would be much more effective in doing so.