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Piracy and streaming have ruined music
2020-02-06 at 10:07 AM UTCI mean do you really think getting music for free is a new concept?
We just used to tape off the radio onto a cassette tape when I was a kid. Might not have been the best quality but we made do with it. My music collection as a kid was about 80% blank tapes with writing on them and about 20% pre-recorded tapes, half of which were either shoplifted or borrowed from friends and forgotten about. the rest were xmas and birthday presents from friends and relatives.
Free music really isn't something that started with the internet you know.
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2020-02-06 at 10:09 AM UTCAlso you used to get pirated cassette tapes which were just like pirated dvds. They'd buy the original then makes thousands of copies to sell cheap in the markets.
You truly are a moron of the highest order hikkifag.
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2020-02-06 at 10:24 AM UTC
Originally posted by Narc Also you used to get pirated cassette tapes which were just like pirated dvds. They'd buy the original then makes thousands of copies to sell cheap in the markets.
You truly are a moron of the highest order hikkifag.
You can't compare that to bing able to go online and in under a minute download a whole album or discography. -
2020-02-06 at 10:25 AM UTCYou people are so dumb why do I come here
2020-02-06 at 10:26 AM UTC
Originally posted by Narc I mean do you really think getting music for free is a new concept?
We just used to tape off the radio onto a cassette tape when I was a kid. Might not have been the best quality but we made do with it. My music collection as a kid was about 80% blank tapes with writing on them and about 20% pre-recorded tapes, half of which were either shoplifted or borrowed from friends and forgotten about. the rest were xmas and birthday presents from friends and relatives.
Free music really isn't something that started with the internet you know.
The point of this thread was about digital piracy and streaming.
Parasites like you always existed, unfortunately, but back then there were enough actual fans and music lovers who owned official copies. -
2020-02-06 at 10:31 AM UTC
Originally posted by Corona-chan The record industry birthed the album how the military birthed video games, both mediums are independent of the industries that pioneered them.
Albums are important because it allows you to intimately experience the music exactly how the artist created it.
Concerts are just special occasion experiences for being able to enjoy the music directly from the artist.
The ideal situation for hearing music is in a pitch black room, decent sound system and an attentive listen start to finish.
whens the last time you had an album with 100% great songs ?
unless its a one song album. -
2020-02-06 at 10:32 AM UTC
2020-02-06 at 10:34 AM UTC
2020-02-06 at 10:35 AM UTC
2020-02-06 at 11:01 AM UTC
2020-02-06 at 11:01 AM UTC
2020-02-06 at 11:57 AM UTC
Originally posted by Corona-chan People wonder why the 2010s was such a bad decade for music, it's because of the spread of piracy.
There used to be a time when an artist had to go through so many hoops to make and release an album, so they put do much effort into the production.
Now anyone can easily make an album in their home and release it instantly.
This creates a culture of music consumption where people will experience music in a simialr way to how they consume jpgs and youtube videos, they'll listen to an album or some songs then move on to the next thing, they no longer develop an attachment to the music and albums, this mentally of instant gratification has diluted the art and spirit of music.
It used to be you had to go to a record store or order an album through a catalog, now days piracy and streaming has opened the floodgates to casuals like krotz that have a superficial appreciation of music, actual lovers of albums and music are dwindling and now the focus is on satisfying the masses with temporary entertainment.
The way you can combat this is to avoid piracy and buy the albums of the bands you listen to.
If enough people start doing this they'll be more inclined to put more effort into their production.
Compare something on a real label to a net label or bandcamp musician, you can hear the difference.
It's sad.
It's basically the state of radio only worse.
People listening to a song on soundcloud or YouTube, move on to the next new thing, the artists catering to this type of consumption.
In a couple decades you're going to see adults who never owned an album physically, maybe they've never even listened to a full album,
What? and here I thought Socialism (free everything) was the answer -
2020-02-06 at 11:58 AM UTC
Originally posted by Corona-chan People wonder why the 2010s was such a bad decade for music, it's because of the spread of piracy.
There used to be a time when an artist had to go through so many hoops to make and release an album, so they put do much effort into the production.
Now anyone can easily make an album in their home and release it instantly.
This creates a culture of music consumption where people will experience music in a simialr way to how they consume jpgs and youtube videos, they'll listen to an album or some songs then move on to the next thing, they no longer develop an attachment to the music and albums, this mentally of instant gratification has diluted the art and spirit of music.
It used to be you had to go to a record store or order an album through a catalog, now days piracy and streaming has opened the floodgates to casuals like krotz that have a superficial appreciation of music, actual lovers of albums and music are dwindling and now the focus is on satisfying the masses with temporary entertainment.
The way you can combat this is to avoid piracy and buy the albums of the bands you listen to.
If enough people start doing this they'll be more inclined to put more effort into their production.
Compare something on a real label to a net label or bandcamp musician, you can hear the difference.
It's sad.
It's basically the state of radio only worse.
People listening to a song on soundcloud or YouTube, move on to the next new thing, the artists catering to this type of consumption.
In a couple decades you're going to see adults who never owned an album physically, maybe they've never even listened to a full album,
What? and here I thought Socialism (free everything) was the answer to everything! -
2020-02-06 at 2:54 PM UTC
Originally posted by Corona-chan The point of this thread was about digital piracy and streaming.
Parasites like you always existed, unfortunately, but back then there were enough actual fans and music lovers who owned official copies.
Ask anybody my age and they will tell you about sitting at the radio on a sunday evening trying to press record in time and then pressing stop at the end just before the dj chimed in and ruined your recording.
Also, so many people would just borrow any album you did buy then make themselves a copy. Trust me it was going on way more than you realize it did, long before you were even an embryo. You think back then everybody paid for all their music? Then you're way dumber than you even look in your skinny ass pale-as-fuck pictures.
.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-02-06 at 2:56 PM UTCsorry for double post. I’m on my phone.🥴
2020-02-06 at 3:09 PM UTCcheck this dude
"I have over a hundred self recorded tapes here" - lol
The comments say it allRocka
2 years ago
Man i miss radio with personality, these days, with the abuse of networking, automation, and dead air, radio is totally irrelevant.
2 years ago
Since 1983 my dad's been taping music off the radio and still does to this very day. Has no plans to quit. Over 2200 cassette tapes stored in boxes of 10 each. (Equals over 3000 hours of analog music!) Only ever used 3 different cassette decks in all that time. Everything is indexed in a box of index cards. I made a spreadsheet database for him last summer since he was 10 years behind in indexing.
2 years ago
Before YouTube when you couldn't just hear almost any song you wanted, my dad had the system down. Wanted to hear something? Look it up in the index cards, find the tape within a minute, fast-forward, rewind, good to go! The ultimate rip-off!
4 months ago
NetCast3 that’s actually really cool
3 years ago
The good old days when radio DJs would actually spin the tunes from vinyl and tape carts. I remember recording music onto those Memorex tapes from Rock 102 Buffalo back in the late 70s.
Want to be short
Want to be short
2 years ago
Back in 1983, someone gave me 50 8-track tapes with songs taped from the radio……heard some classic Bay Area rock stations (KSJO, KMPX, etc). Sad;y, I no longer have those.
2 years ago
CraigTube well back in 2004 till 2009 i was collection & recording blank tapes with music from my favorite radios tation,these were the times when i was massively listening radio,
Nowaday’s i sadly don’t do it no more,wich is sad because those radio dj’s do have their personality wich was alway’s nice to listen to as well.
geno pal
geno pal
1 year ago (edited)
Yeap…i recorded from WWOR in New York and WNEW in the 70s.I had a great mono panasonic one i bought from the Stereo Warehouse i work for it cost me $95…i recorded the Randal Island concert on last day…Van Morrison ,Mountain…still sounds great 48 years later…yeah great to here WPIX radio…Turtles…makes me wanta cry …LIC,Astoria,Sunnyside,Richmond Hills,Bayside miss it…perhaps.
Robert B.
Robert B.
2 years ago
The radio recording is cool. It's like a time capsule. But somehow it sounds so fresh, as if it was recorded just yesterday.
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2020-02-06 at 3:19 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-02-06 at 5:03 PM UTCleanard is a nice name.
2020-02-06 at 7:52 PM UTCThank you Narc. As you can see lots of Jerry Garcia Band and Dead recordings there. Drop some acid and go to a Dead and Company show. Then tell me that the albums are the main attraction. Corona-chan.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-02-07 at 1:30 AM UTC
Originally posted by Narc Ask anybody my age and they will tell you about sitting at the radio on a sunday evening trying to press record in time and then pressing stop at the end just before the dj chimed in and ruined your recording.
Also, so many people would just borrow any album you did buy then make themselves a copy. Trust me it was going on way more than you realize it did, long before you were even an embryo. You think back then everybody paid for all their music? Then you're way dumber than you even look in your skinny ass pale-as-fuck pictures.
I already told you in my previous post you stupid fuck, casuals like you have always existed.
You think I didn't know about tape piracy or recording shit off the radio?
That's not my point.
It's hilarious you keep insulting my intelligence when it's clear as day you're stupid as fuck or not even reading the posts you're responding to.