mine is to live a nomadów experience moving from place to place city to city and creating gay porn and having the time to exercise at least once dsily doing brazillian jiu jitsu or muay thai and drink cocktails at night with lonely middle aged women. whats yours?
i swear most of my dreams i'm having dreams of someone else all together. i mean shit i don't feel myself, most people that pop into KNOW ME but i don't know them, so many faces come and go I DON'T RECOGNIZE ANY OF THEM! yet all the places I dream about are familiar in so way even though I can't completely identify where I am...I just know I've been there before.
swamps, swimming with the nastier creatures ever, and regular shit like fish and frogs swing into the picture outta nowhere...than some times i will be with family long since dead or alive...at another funeral or birthdy party..yet I know who they are for...sometimes dozens of people are there...some I know instantly and than some like I am at strangers funeral and the faces don't ring to me