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im thinking of selling a bunch of old basketball cards

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Inused to collect basketball cards as a kid and some are more than 20 years old. in fact I have like 15 michael jordan cards and some are feom the late 80s although most feom 90s and a rokiem kobe bryant. maybe I can make some good money to tie me over some more. anyone know how to sell them? at I mean close to what theyre worth and not some scolding like 50 percent of the cover price like i remember the shops would charge back in the day?
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    if i can make a few grand or so I will promise i wont piss it away on alcohol, bars, nightclubs and buying ugly shanks beers this time.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I remember i was looking into selling some but the market seemed kind of like it died or was saturator and the prices were not thst high as what i expected. also ebay required you to vertify the cards were in mint condition beyond jsut twking photos of front and back somehow. but the veritficstion process sounded like w huge pain in the ass.
  4. #4
    larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Shut up faggot
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Shut up faggot

    You butt hurt again lil Larry bromoto?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Shut up faggot. (Yes, I'm extremely butthurt, in case anyone is wondering.)

    Thank you.
  7. #7
    larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You butt hurt again lil Larry bromoto?

    You seem extremely frothy at me calling Wario a faggot.

    Would it make you less moist if I asked him kindly to burn in the 7th circle of hell?
  8. #8
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You seem extremely frothy at me calling Wario a faggot.

    Would it make you less moist if I asked him kindly to burn in the 7th circle of hell?

    At least I ain’t this guy though:
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Why don’t you call that Turk a faggot you coward?
  10. #10
    Misterigh Houston
    You sell them and use the cash to buy precious metals. Hold those for many years and then slowly cash in while in retirement.
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