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All the DH girls are fat
2020-01-26 at 2:32 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-26 at 2:37 AM UTCPole you know if you face fucked anything your balls gonna bounce off their sternumThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-26 at 2:37 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 2:38 AM UTCpaige, get off that profile,, its ok to be funny with ur real profile
2020-01-26 at 2:38 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 2:39 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 2:46 AM UTCits a major part of my online persona don't go gettin butthurt over itThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-26 at 2:48 AM UTC
Originally posted by DontTellEm I hope ur not mad about it, ya bag of sticks
I'm just concerned for the health of you young ladies. You might think it's cool to pound back 2 big Macs and a jumbo cola and then post fat girl Angle shots on tinder but it's an unhealthy lifestyle.
Most guys just accept that fat women will run their lives, there are so many of them and if you piss one of them off you piss them all off. I'm different though because I'm not trying to have sex or make anyone here like me.
I am genuinely concerned and appalled at the obesity epidemic in America. Phenmetrazine was probably banned by a fat mean girl doctor that hated her husband and liked to see him suffer and made him feel bad for commenting on her weight or suggest she change her habits.
Do you really support abuseable diet pills being banned? Maybe they should be being abused then there wouldn't be so many fatties that think they are hot shit -
2020-01-26 at 2:48 AM UTCI would date a dh fat girl, just as long as she feeds me, buy me thangs, hold me closer when i’m cold with her excessive body heat and tell me how beautiful i look every morning. Heck, i’d even let her sit on my face-
2020-01-26 at 2:51 AM UTC
Originally posted by jedi_darryl I would date a dh fat girl, just as long as she feeds me, buy me thangs, hold me closer when i’m cold with her excessive body heat and tell me how beautiful i look every morning. Heck, i’d even let her sit on my face-
Yeah thats exactly what I'm talking about. You're never gonna get the truth from a guy that just wants to fuck you. You will just eat up their praise and never question it. When you have nothing but positive reinforcement there is no reason to try to be healthy because there will always be a steady stream of chubby chasers that care more about sex than women's health. -
2020-01-26 at 2:51 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 3:09 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 3:09 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 3:17 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-26 at 3:18 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-26 at 3:20 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-26 at 3:23 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 3:25 AM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yeah thats exactly what I'm talking about. You're never gonna get the truth from a guy that just wants to fuck you. You will just eat up their praise and never question it. When you have nothing but positive reinforcement there is no reason to try to be healthy because there will always be a steady stream of chubby chasers that care more about sex than women's health.
sexy af
love me some hippopotamuses asses. Must be all that jelly because jam don’t shake like that😋 -
2020-01-26 at 3:27 AM UTC
2020-01-26 at 3:29 AM UTCI don't even have a problem with fat people, there are just too many.
The occasional person with some weird genetics is okay. Not everyone can be skinny but trying to push a narrative where it's okay if everyone is fat we are all fat FAT PRIDE is harmful and dangerous to society.
This can only last for so long until the healthcare system crumbles under the weight of all the fat. Medicine has a weight limit!