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cart narc
2020-01-23 at 1:14 PM UTCwho the fuck is this?
2020-01-23 at 1:16 PM UTCUr mom.
2020-01-23 at 1:42 PM UTCWhat makes him famous though? why?
2020-01-23 at 1:43 PM UTC
2020-01-23 at 4:03 PM UTCHe's a cart narco. Broke out of the baddest Polish jail, was locked up with Raphael Luciano. He likes pesky red heads and is a sick design artist.
2020-01-23 at 4:56 PM UTCare you a cart barć Octavian? -
2020-01-23 at 4:57 PM UTCwho the good guys wre lol? like raphael luciano? -
2020-01-23 at 5:01 PM UTCimagine being a csrt narc for a living. what a life thst must be.
2020-01-23 at 5:09 PM UTC