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I just created an infographic based on my own designs
2020-01-23 at 2:37 AM UTC
2020-01-23 at 2:43 AM UTCfont too small, can not read.
2020-01-23 at 2:47 AM UTC
2020-01-23 at 2:47 AM UTCif you click on it youll be able to read the font.
2020-01-23 at 3:06 AM UTCDog shit
2020-01-23 at 3:06 AM UTCshit assed pink skinned cacazoid racist motha phucka shit
2020-01-23 at 3:09 AM UTCthe idea was to show the original concept or image throwna round by tech journalist and turn it into something of my own or my own flair into it. the infographic itself i dont know if it does the job of showing this but some of my images are in there.
2020-01-23 at 3:17 AM UTC
2020-01-23 at 3:19 AM UTC
Originally posted by Wariat the idea was to show the original concept or image throwna round by tech journalist and turn it into something of my own or my own flair into it. the infographic itself i dont know if it does the job of showing this but some of my images are in there.
No just a load of dog shit with words added in making no sense whatsoever.
Give up -
2020-01-23 at 6:05 AM UTC
2020-01-23 at 6:08 AM UTCMS Paint dog shit.
2020-01-23 at 6:10 AM UTC
2020-01-23 at 6:10 AM UTCbetter with pigeons
2020-01-23 at 6:11 AM UTCi created them beside the first. maybe add some tezt about data breach stats to it and try tos ell it to like infoworld or some big media tech company or something. or anti virus companies like mccaffee.
2020-01-23 at 6:11 AM UTCi took that pigeon photo also.
2020-01-23 at 6:13 AM UTC
Originally posted by Wariat i created them beside the first. maybe add some tezt about data breach stats to it and try tos ell it to like infoworld or some big media tech company or something. or anti virus companies like mccaffee.
Right. Well you might be into something. You'd probably need a manager from an art school to help you out with that. A lot of people are not original but you at least do your own thing. -
2020-01-23 at 7:51 AM UTCYour face when wariat has been posting all of this high as fuck on cough syrup every day
2020-01-23 at 1:07 PM UTC
2020-01-23 at 1:16 PM UTCWow great observation shitlock are you by chance also a functional retard
2020-01-23 at 1:55 PM UTC