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Dump idiot Trump
2020-01-20 at 8:24 AM UTC"shall not must"
Couldnt make it up -
2020-01-20 at 1:25 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker Perhaps you missed this? Funny how none of the Trump haters want to talk about this video.
Also there is a treaty between the US and the Ukraine that deals with cooperation between US and them in regard to corruption and investigating corruption.
The prosecutor that Biden got fired was investigating Burisma while Hunter was serving on the board. Between Biden's bold brag about with holding aid unless the prosecutor was fired and the treaty there was and still is legitimate cause to investigate Biden and the actions of past Ukrainian officials. Add to that the fact that the Ukrainian president recently won office in a landslide victory (over 73%) by campaigning against the corruption in his nation by past administrations the phone call was not only perfectly natural it was perfectly legal.
I addressed all this in my argument with the other guy, idiot. Including that video. Go have a read if you have any interest in educating yourself -
2020-01-20 at 1:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
no wonder your free speeches are being taken away by the kilos.
americans dont seems to even know their rights anymore.
Whatever I wasn’t even trying to take that document too seriously, because it doesn’t refute anything I’ve said. Splam said trump was legally required to personally call Ukraine and ask them to start an investigation, I said nothing in the document says the president of the United States is personally mandated to call the president of Ukraine himself and demand a personally beneficial quid pro quo.
In the very document that was cited it specifically says the Attorney General is the one who’s supposed to take action, not the president. If trump really was interested only in the public benefit of a corruption investigation he could have just called the AG’s office and had them follow up. Instead what he did was call up his personal lawyer who he asked to coordinate with the US Ambassador to the EU to orchestrate his requested quid pro quo, which has been proved by direct testimony by that Ambassador (who both donated to trump and was appointed by trump, he’s a trump supporter and has no reason to lie). Which they then attempted to do, until they were stopped by multiple House investigations into their conduct -
2020-01-20 at 3:09 PM UTC
2020-01-20 at 4:25 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Whatever I wasn’t even trying to take that document too seriously, because it doesn’t refute anything I’ve said. Splam said trump was legally required to personally call Ukraine and ask them to start an investigation, I said nothing in the document says the president of the United States is personally mandated to call the president of Ukraine himself and demand a personally beneficial quid pro quo.
In the very document that was cited it specifically says the Attorney General is the one who’s supposed to take action, not the president. If trump really was interested only in the public benefit of a corruption investigation he could have just called the AG’s office and had them follow up. Instead what he did was call up his personal lawyer who he asked to coordinate with the US Ambassador to the EU to orchestrate his requested quid pro quo, which has been proved by direct testimony by that Ambassador (who both donated to trump and was appointed by trump, he’s a trump supporter and has no reason to lie). Which they then attempted to do, until they were stopped by multiple House investigations into their conduct
yea, just want to point out that 'shall' in the context of laws are mandatory. in the past they have a habit of trying to make the law sounds less aggresive and more empowering. -
2020-01-20 at 6:31 PM UTC
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yea, just want to point out that 'shall' in the context of laws are mandatory. in the past they have a habit of trying to make the law sounds less aggresive and more empowering.
Yeah I don’t spend my spare time reading legal texts or Shakespeare and don’t really see shall in normal modern lexicon so I wasn’t thinking and for some reason assumed it was more like “May” in this context. Dumb mistake. I should have known, now that I think about a while back when I looked up different states’ gun rights you see a lot about “may issue” vs “shall issue”
But yeah the cited document does not support what he was trying to say so I pretty much dismissed it out of hand -
2020-01-20 at 6:52 PM UTCWhen a mindless Democrat is caught dead to rights on the facts:
1. Attack the messenger
2. Play games with the clear meaning of words
3. Project what they themselves are guilty of onto others
4. Censor
5. Cry a hell of a lot and take temper tantrums
6. Keep repeating it's not true when it is
7. Smear and doxx
8. Start making threats
9. Run to the comforting safety of their fakestream media goons and assorted echo chambers
10. Ramp up their self mutilation -
2020-01-20 at 7:10 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Ohhh Russians colluded in US election. And jet fuel can't melt steel.
Some conspiracy theories turn out to be true. But until they're proven to be true - the media has no place dedicating years of coverage to it. This makes them a propaganda channel, not a news station.
Its objectively proven that Russia has interfered with elections in Europe and the US. The US has done it for years. Dont act so shocked, kid -
2020-01-20 at 7:33 PM UTCLol I can’t believe I spent like half an hour talking to someone who believes 9/11 was staged and who is probably spectralThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-20 at 7:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Lol I can’t believe I spent like half an hour talking to someone who believes 9/11 was staged and who is probably spectral
When a mindless Democrat is caught dead to rights on the facts:
1. Attack the messenger
2. Play games with the clear meaning of words
3. Project what they themselves are guilty of onto others
4. Censor
5. Cry a hell of a lot and take temper tantrums
6. Keep repeating it's not true when it is
7. Smear and doxx
8. Start making threats
9. Run to the comforting safety of their fakestream media goons and assorted echo chambers
10. Ramp up their self mutilationThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-21 at 12:57 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL When a mindless Democrat is caught dead to rights on the facts:
1. Attack the messenger
2. Play games with the clear meaning of words
3. Project what they themselves are guilty of onto others
4. Censor
5. Cry a hell of a lot and take temper tantrums
6. Keep repeating it's not true when it is
7. Smear and doxx
8. Start making threats
9. Run to the comforting safety of their fakestream media goons and assorted echo chambers
10. Ramp up their self mutilation
Perfect postThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-21 at 1:01 AM UTC
2020-01-21 at 1:32 AM UTC
2020-01-21 at 2:17 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Its objectively proven that Russia has interfered with elections in Europe and the US. The US has done it for years. Dont act so shocked, kid
The claim here is that Russia hacked the DNC, exposing corrupt Hillary. Where's the proof of this beyond "the CIA says so"?
It's more likely that republicans hacked the DNC - there's millions of Americans who wish to impact the elections. You don't need a government science lab to hack a computer - anyone can do it with the right skills. So I say it's more likely Americans themselves who did it. In any case, it's a moot point until evidence has been presented. -
2020-01-21 at 2:22 AM UTCAlso, look how Trump is going completely medieval on China. He has asked Canada to take Huawei's CEO hostage until the trade negotiations are over - using her as potential leverage. Which is suspect to why her extradition trial is taking so long, stalling till trade negotiations are done.
That's like something you'd do in the middle ages. Take the King's daughter hostage and use her to negotiate.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-21 at 2:30 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL When a mindless Democrat is caught dead to rights on the facts:
1. Attack the messenger
2. Play games with the clear meaning of words
3. Project what they themselves are guilty of onto others
4. Censor
5. Cry a hell of a lot and take temper tantrums
6. Keep repeating it's not true when it is
7. Smear and doxx
8. Start making threats
9. Run to the comforting safety of their fakestream media goons and assorted echo chambers
10. Ramp up their self mutilation
Again, not a Democrat. Nice try though.
Also not attacking the messenger, attacking the idea that 9/11 was faked (it wasn’t). There is substantial evidence that it was real and only baseless conspiracy theories to the contrary.
So yeah you’re 0 in 2. Can’t believe 3 idiots thanked this mindless post. But that’s the world we live in now I guess -
2020-01-21 at 2:32 AM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Also not attacking the messenger, attacking the idea that 9/11 was faked (it wasn’t).
You missed my sarcasm. Whether 9/11 is real or not is irrelevant. Can you imagine CNN dedicating 24/7 coverage for years on end about 9/11? No - because conspiracy theories don't deserve extended airtime on news networks! -
2020-01-21 at 2:38 AM UTC
Originally posted by Splam You missed my sarcasm. Whether 9/11 is real or not is irrelevant. Can you imagine CNN dedicating 24/7 coverage for years on end about 9/11? No - because conspiracy theories don't deserve extended airtime on news networks!
But spectral really does believe 9/11 was fake.
God dammit are you spectral or not -
2020-01-21 at 3:02 AM UTCI am splam. Look up my 15k posts on totse. Is there still an archive?
2020-01-21 at 3:11 AM UTC
Originally posted by Fox … attacking the idea that 9/11 was faked (it wasn’t). There is substantial evidence that it was real…
Truth is, there's zero evidence it wasn't a false flag set up by Bush Jr. and his goons, but there's a mountain of direct evidence it was a false flag operation. You haven't got a clue what you are talking about.