i was there during this exact time at VSP with them but was not part of this program. most are lifers and were on a yard when i first got there but zi also recognize some from c yard. this was before they transferred me to satf corcoran and the private prison desert view mccf:
ten guy on the left skinny with glasses I am almost positive was gay. there is also a small black guy in there who ended up at satf corcoran with me and threw a punch at iron or another lifer and black guy i ended up fighting who had s finger inside my eyeball for a second and tried to put a shirt over my head.maybe im thinking of another vid showing a graduating from sap will kepe you guys posted.
the white guy with facial hair thats kind of old shown at 5:30 is some famous sex offender dude i found not long ago online doing life but at the time i thiught he was some aryan brotherhood ex dude because he was kinda buff and would work out all the time and is wuite big. he was annoying thiugh because he tried to correct me the way i kicked a punching bag trying to tell me i should kick it with the whole foot and not jsut my toes.
holy ruck and the tuy on the left of him was my celly for a bit. he was gay as cns be. thr gitar man as we called him with ounk rocker joe because he always carried a gitar to the main yard and played it. he gor mad at me or cropped an attitude when we were cellies because i wasnt gay or into his sex playing. he even told me he wnated to suck my dick. his name was david i believe or travis.
the black lifer dude shows up at 6:20 who at satf punched iron all of a sudden in the middle of the dayroom as he came into our unit from the adjascent one on building 1 in A yard as he was a porter or cleaner and ran off back to his unit. iron than claimed he followed him and he was loud and outting some gloves off and iron coaimed he had to leave due to it getting too much attention or noise from cops.