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Dump idiot Trump
2020-01-19 at 8:45 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox No impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors, and accepting bribes. Any one of those things. Our duly elected leaders in the House of Congress found that he did commit impeachable offenses. This is what our system of checks and balances is for, and the system worked.
Only if you can prove a crime actually took place. Pushing impeachment in a kangaroo court without proof is akin to treason. -
2020-01-19 at 8:45 PM UTC
2020-01-19 at 8:46 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam America is the world's largest economy and most powerful military. Of course other countries have a vested interest in American politics and what is going on.
Man you know how girls get penis envy. I guess all non-Americans have American-envy. Lol. Well too bad buddy, we want a merit-based immigration system around these parts and you just don’t make the cutThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-19 at 8:47 PM UTC
2020-01-19 at 8:48 PM UTC99% of Americans wouldn't be allowed back in if they gave up their citizenship. 98% would still find a way back in.
2020-01-19 at 8:49 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Only if you can prove a crime actually took place. Pushing impeachment in a kangaroo court without proof is akin to treason.
Yeah you’re right it would be great if in the Senate trial we could hear from all material witnesses and see all the evidence and.... oh wait the republicans are trying to block that and if worse comes to worst the president will invoke executive privilege anyway. Oh well -
2020-01-19 at 8:50 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Yeah you’re right it would be great if in the Senate trial we could hear from all material witnesses and see all the evidence and…. oh wait the republicans are trying to block that and if worse comes to worst the president will invoke executive privilege anyway. Oh well
There's no evidence to try, because the House didn't collect any. -
2020-01-19 at 8:59 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Yeah you’re right it would be great if in the Senate trial we could hear from all material witnesses and see all the evidence and…. oh wait the republicans are trying to block that and if worse comes to worst the president will invoke executive privilege anyway. Oh well
Trump called for an investigation into something that should've been investigated. They're impeaching him for doing his job. If he actually withheld aid it'd be different. But even if he did withhold aid, he's still be in line with all other presidents.
Voting against evidence is treason. As is voting guilty when there's none. -
2020-01-19 at 9 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL There's no evidence to try, because the House didn't collect any.
Here’s what it says in the constitution (not that your Canadian ass would know anything about that):
Originally posted by ARTICLE I, SECTION 2, CLAUSE 5 The House of Representatives…shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
They followed all the rules in place, no laws were broken, again just our system of checks and balances at work. Job well done
2020-01-19 at 9:02 PM UTC
2020-01-19 at 9:06 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4818165/user-clip-joe-biden-confesses-bribery
Don’t even have to watch the clip to know which one this is. Again, something that has been circulated ad nauseum on Fox News et al as irrefutable proof of Biden’s wrongdoing.
But it’s not under dispute that Joe Biden gave the Ukrainian government an ultimatum to remove that prosecutor from office. We know this. But the reason for his doing so has not yet been proven to be illicit. There are perfectly innocent policy reasons why he might have made this request, yes his son’s position was suspicious and perhaps unethical, but unless I see actual hard proof of wrongdoing I will continue to believe the Biden conspiracy is just more smoke and mirrors -
2020-01-19 at 9:07 PM UTC
2020-01-19 at 9:16 PM UTCI never claimed that is irrefutable proof. It is however enough proof to launch an investigation.
What it means is the president is rightfully asking for an investigation. He did nothing wrong and they're impeaching him for it. -
2020-01-19 at 9:17 PM UTC
2020-01-19 at 9:22 PM UTCFirst of all no it’s not enough to launch an investigation as we’ve seen, but ok let’s assume it is and just ignore it for years and years but then just happen to launch the investigation during an election year right as Biden, who is Trump’s main political opponent, starts gaining traction in the polls
That way even if a dragged-out “investigation” finds absolutely nothing, the conservative news can still spend a full year telling everybody who’ll listen “LOOK HES RUNNING AGAINST A GUY THATS UNDER INVESTIGATION ARE YOU REALLY GONNA VOTE FOR A GUY THAT’S UNDER INVESTIGATION” -
2020-01-19 at 9:26 PM UTCWomen voted for a guy who said 'grab em by the pussy' so yes anything is possible.
Funnily enough that recording had been under wraps for years and came to light just before election year.
Same with Trudeau blackface scandal. He still won.
Democrats are openly hoping that being impeached will affect Trump running next year.
Nothing wrong with any of this.
Don't try to tell me the media is biased towards Trump. It simply isn't true. Trump voices a valid concern to Ukraine. That's all that happened. You can't impeach a guy for a valid concern that he's required by law to raise. -
2020-01-19 at 9:28 PM UTCThe conservative media is 100% biased towards trump, and by the way part of the “mainstream media” IS conservative media. Many, many people read and watch conservative news outlets. I know you fellas don’t like to admit that. Half the country is conservative lol they’re not some marginalized group or something
2020-01-19 at 9:29 PM UTCAnd again, bias on both sides. BOTH SIDES. Just like how there are fine people on BOTH SIDES of a neo-nazi rally
2020-01-19 at 9:30 PM UTCMost countries outside of the USA only get CNN. Almost no western countries have a good image of Trump as a result.
2020-01-19 at 9:31 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Don't try to tell me the media is biased towards Trump. It simply isn't true. Trump voices a valid concern to Ukraine. That's all that happened. You can't impeach a guy for a valid concern that he's required by law to raise.
Oh yeah what law is that? Please cite the specific statute