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Dump idiot Trump
2020-01-05 at 4:30 PM UTCDon't worry, Spectral. Despite impeachment your drunk uncle Trump can too.
2020-01-05 at 4:35 PM UTC
".. for he's a jolly good fell--ow.... which, nobody can deny!"
TRUMP 2020
2020-01-05 at 4:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Don't worry, Spectral. Despite impeachment your drunk uncle Trump can too.
Your angst and outrage is not consistent with the actual situation. You're more invested in your own personal tastes and your own personal preferences and your own hate than you are in the facts, one way or the other. You are acting more like an overly emotional woman than a factual observer - that much is clear. Listen, bud. Elections have consequences. You lost. Get over it. Nobody cares that you detest Trump. Stop whining and crying about it to anyone who will listen and, instead, get in on the factual discussion, where your energy would have some actual use to somebody. -
2020-01-05 at 4:43 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Your angst and outrage is not consistent with the actual situation. You're more invested in your own personal tastes and your own personal preferences and your own hate than you are in the facts, one way or the other. You are acting more like an overly emotional woman than a factual observer - that much is clear. Listen, bud. Elections have consequences. You lost. Get over it. Nobody cares that you detest Trump. Stop whining and crying about it to anyone who will listen and, instead, get in on the factual discussion, where your energy would have some actual use to somebody.
Except for the "emotional woman" bit 🤣 -
2020-01-05 at 4:43 PM UTCDamn Spectral got into his feelings with that post. I think impeachment talk gets him a lil misty eyed.
2020-01-05 at 4:45 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 4:49 PM UTCMy negro you believe Jesus was an alien who is at war with alien Satan.
How in the hell am I supposed to discuss facts with you?The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-05 at 5:16 PM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 My negro you believe Jesus was an alien who is at war with alien Satan.
How in the hell am I supposed to discuss facts with you?
I saw a guy the other day who said that in the early 40's Hitler fled to Antarctica after discovering the earth was flat. He built a city under the ice called 'New Berlin' and that's where the Nazis are today. -
2020-01-05 at 5:40 PM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I saw a guy the other day who said that in the early 40's Hitler fled to Antarctica after discovering the earth was flat. He built a city under the ice called 'New Berlin' and that's where the Nazis are today.
And that's cool. I would watch material speculating on a topic like that and be entertained. But Spectral and so many others are the types to convince their brains that it is factual information and then let that belief influence other aspects of life.
Then they want to be taken seriously in a factual discussion. They can fuck right off. -
2020-01-05 at 6:18 PM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 And that's cool. I would watch material speculating on a topic like that and be entertained. But Spectral and so many others are the types to convince their brains that it is factual information and then let that belief influence other aspects of life.
Then they want to be taken seriously in a factual discussion. They can fuck right off.
I feel like SpectraL is the type to watch mockumentaries and come out believing every word. Remember that Mermaids one that got a bunch of people believing in mermaids, so they added a disclaimer to the start of the film
I've seen ethereal orbs of light with my own eyes, with other people who saw them too, and I'm still not dumb enough to say what they were. Ghosts, weird ass reflection, shared hallucination, I don't fucking know. The people i was with called them will o wisps. I only know the facts. Which is that I saw a thing. Doesn't make it real. -
2020-01-05 at 6:25 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 6:58 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 7:01 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 8:33 PM UTC
2020-01-05 at 9 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL The United States government is the biggest projector I've ever seen. Everything they accuse other countries of, they themselves are guilty of, but ten times worse. Outside their pathetic echo chamber, they're a laughing stock. They're like the running joke of the party.
Torture. Surveillance. Interfering in elections. Extrajudicial assassinations on foreign soil. Drug smuggling. Pedophile sex tourism. Kidnapping. Extortion. Murder. Gun running. Selling arms to terrorists. Economic warfare. Cultural warfare. Chemical warfare. Nuclear warfare. Western indoctrination. Threatening the use of nuclear and chemical weapons. The list goes on and on. Trump acknowledges this, continues to do it, and doesn't apologize for it. At least he's honest about it. That's why Clinton came out as fake too. She couldn't admit to mistakes. She was oh so perfect a leader with a perfect track record. Well guess what, perfect track records don't always make good leaders. You learn from mistakes. -
2020-01-05 at 11:22 PM UTC
2020-01-06 at 9:50 AM UTC
2020-01-06 at 10:10 AM UTC
2020-01-06 at 12:48 PM UTC
2020-01-06 at 3:16 PM UTCWAR KILL KILL
Trump has stirred up a lot of ill will in the ME. Iran has vowed revenge for the killing of its top general in Iraq. US is stockpiling weapons in Israel who is despised by Iran.
Iran is closely tied to religious militia groups that the country has sponsored and trained in countries including Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip. Word is that 150,000 rockets have been stockpiled in those countries.
College students panic over FAFSA's fine print about registering for the draft. Draft exemptions include males currently in the armed services and on active duty, not including members of the Reserve and National Guard who are not on active duty, males under the age of 18 at the time they complete their FAFSA, non-citizens of the U.S. who came to the country after turning 26 years old, and transgender males.