My current supplement/nootropic/medicinal stack. Whether it's more of a hobby, or the benefits are truly significant, I'm not sure. What I do know is that I'm at an age where the brain is still developing into maturity, so now's a better time than ever to try to enhance the process for an optimal final result.
Every day I take:
-Energy drink just for 160mg caffiene, mild stimulant
-Nicoderm 7mg to quit smoking, also a mild stimulant
-Fish oil 10g for heart health, and needed for neuron membranes, has antidepressant and mood-stabilizing effects
-Multivitamin since my diet isn't that great
-Gabapentin 1200mg, mixed into water to make Bone Hurting Juice. Can cause a mild high, but mostly it's an analgesic, mood enhancer, and anxiolytic
-Zoloft 200mg, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. I'm taking this for OCD. The reuptake inhibition causes the brain to react by producing more serotonin, which leads to enhanced dopamine levels (pleasure), neurogenesis which is neuron birth, as well as reducing both unpleasant as well as pleasant feelings
-Tumeric, 3 tablespoons. Anti-inflammatory analgesic, antibacterial, monoamine oxidase inhibitor which makes serotonin, dopamine, and norephinephrine last in the synapse longer, for enhanced mood, pleasure, and energy. Also causes neurogenesis.
-Black pepper 1 tablespoon. Without the piperine in black pepper, the circumin in tumeric is not sufficiently bioavailable. Piperine increases the effectiveness of tumeric by 2000%
-Ginseng extract 6000mg. enhances nerve growth factors, is a mild stimulant, and neuroprotective adaptogen which makes the body react to stress less.
-Ashwaghanda extract 940mg. Causes neurogenesis, and is anxiolytic by working on GABA receptors, neuroprotective adaptogen.
-Gotu kola 1200mg. Cognition enhancing anxiolytic which increases GABA conversion from glutamate.
-1 coricidin pill, which has 4mg chlorphenamine maleate, an SNRI antihistamine, so increases mood and energy over time, as well as 30mg dextromethorphan, an NMDA antagonist which is neuroprotective, an SNRI, as well as a sigma1 agonist which is also effective for depression/anxiety. The CPM causes neurogenesis and the bundy causes gliogenesis, the growh of glial cells which are like the "glue" of the brain
after shower/brush teeth/supplements/food, i usually lay down for 20 hours straight and play video games while watching tv while listening to music until i fall asleep. repeat every single day. my life is pretty ok sometimes. here's a pic of face after i just took my stack to prove it doesn't make me high as fuck or something like that. mfw