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Dump idiot Trump
2020-01-03 at 10:13 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-01-03 at 10:15 PM UTClet's see, Trump bombed syria and within months that issue settled. Trump has always been against military, so this will be over soon.
2020-01-03 at 10:16 PM UTCUh huh you see me in the spot like
"Ooh I love your style"
Uh huh show me what you got
'Cause I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh see me in the spot like
"Ooh I love your style"
Uh huh show me what you got
Now come and make it worth my whileThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-04 at 2:54 AM UTC
2020-01-04 at 11:51 AM UTC
2020-01-04 at 4:18 PM UTCSo how is Iran going to retaliate for the killing of their top general in Iraq? Can anybody venture a guess.
2020-01-04 at 4:26 PM UTCProbably not much
2020-01-04 at 5:30 PM UTC
2020-01-04 at 5:45 PM UTC
2020-01-04 at 7:52 PM UTC
2020-01-04 at 9:38 PM UTCjust how messed up are these Democrats?
i already posted rose's retardedness in my thread i created, but here straight from top DIMOcrats, a "WARNING" for "ALL CITIZENS" we could be the next target from Iran.
so i asked, if i am going to be a target, why aren't you MORONS gathering all Iranian Nationals here in the USA and deport their asses back.......OR.......since i am the "TARGET," give me permission to protect myself by NOT REMOVING MY WEAPONS under this "RED FAGGOT LAW?"
oh no, we cannot do that?
what, let me protect myself, let me keep my weapons, or gather the Iranians here in the USA?
we can't do any of those.
2020-01-04 at 9:43 PM UTCNo American at home is at risk ya pussy lol
2020-01-04 at 10 PM UTCThere was a research study that showed the FBI and law enforcement in general fucks with people less if they think those people will put up a fight.
Subhuman potato monkey master explained this best: The history of the US can be summed up as ethnic crime families competing for dominance.
So your first mistake is playing by the rules to begin with and expecting a fair game.
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta. When motherfuckers cry wolf, you know what to expect, don't get too comfy now, or any other time for that matter -
2020-01-04 at 10 PM UTC
2020-01-04 at 10:03 PM UTCwth, they removed the article.
it was an open discussion and it just disappeared.
unbelievable the limits the Dems will go to!! -
2020-01-05 at 12:25 AM UTCWill There Be a Draft? Young People Worry After Military Strike
January 4, 2020, 10:19 AM EST
For decades, American men over the age of 18 have gone through the ritual of registering with the government in case of a military draft. In recent years, this action has felt more like going through the motions, simply checking a box.
But Friday, after a U.S. drone strike in Iraq killed Iran’s top security and intelligence commander, prompting concerns about the possibility of a new war in the Middle East, that oft-forgotten paperwork became a reason for spiking anxiety among many Americans.
“World War III” started trending on social media. Young men suddenly recalled registering after their 18th birthdays, many having done so while applying for college financial aid. -
2020-01-05 at 12:35 AM UTCI'd like to see those twig legs climb those fences with 80 pounds of gear.
2020-01-05 at 12:44 AM UTC
2020-01-05 at 12:50 AM UTC
Originally posted by iam_asiam68 just how messed up are these Democrats?
i already posted rose's retardedness in my thread i created, but here straight from top DIMOcrats, a "WARNING" for "ALL CITIZENS" we could be the next target from Iran.
so i asked, if i am going to be a target, why aren't you MORONS gathering all Iranian Nationals here in the USA and deport their asses back…….OR…….since i am the "TARGET," give me permission to protect myself by NOT REMOVING MY WEAPONS under this "RED FAGGOT LAW?"
oh no, we cannot do that?
what, let me protect myself, let me keep my weapons, or gather the Iranians here in the USA?
we can't do any of those.
2020-01-05 at 12:56 AM UTCC'mon. It was only three or four.