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Nothing has changed

  1. #1 Tuskegee Airman
    For 20 years people have been complaining about:

    Greenhouse gases, global warming, climate change



    And what has happened?

    Nothing. America still says to do stuff and all the other countries join in. Pollution, mining, high emissions still happen. Wars still happen.

    What is the end result of all of this?

    People who protest, and can be identified as protestors cannot work in government. Their political beliefs are against government policy, they actively work against government policy and therefore will fail the background checks.

    Government does as government wants, does not listen to the majority and excludes people who do not tow the line from participating in government processes.

    Nothing has changed. People still have a voice. Government refuses to listen. That voice is used to have people agreeing with the protests and making government a further closed shop.
  2. #2
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Read Bill Cooper's book for fuck's sake
  3. #3 Tuskegee Airman

    'We were ignored': anti-war protesters remember the Iraq war marches
    Millions demonstrated but were ignored by those in power. We ask those who marched how their lives have been affected
  4. #4 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Read Bill Cooper's book for fuck's sake

    Why do you have to discredit my thread by bringing batshit crazy UFO conspiracies in to it?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Why do you have to discredit my thread by bringing batshit crazy UFO conspiracies in to it?

    If you read Behold a pale horse you would know why the country is going to shit.
    It's not about ufos he said the whole UFO and alien shit is a psyop.
    He talks about the secret society that runs the world in his book.
  6. #6 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal If you read Behold a pale horse you would know why the country is going to shit.
    It's not about ufos he said the whole UFO and alien shit is a psyop.
    He talks about the secret society that runs the world in his book.


    There is a thing called the government that runs the country. To work in government you must be given a security clearance. Most people who work in government have been initiated in to circles of trust by the government. Unless it's something like, the local county post office.

    There's your secret society.

    For a whole of life check, it helps to have government parents.

    There it is.

    Government A will not work with government B unless it trusts it. Therefore governments that trust each other are involved in the security clearance process of higher level officials.

    Government has an interest in controlling information to prevent Russian election interference.

    There it is.

    There is your Illuminati influencing Hollywood, MTV and the UN. Making millions of dollars.


  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Does anyone feel like there was a cultural awakening that took place yesterday or something like people all realized global warming is a lie and that the jedis are all pulling the strings.

    Idk I was too hung over to notice it
  8. #8 Tuskegee Airman
    Think about how disagreeing with government policy, and advocating for government policy against the government direction looks in your security clearance application to work in essentially any government department.

    In the background check, after checking your internet browsing history, the types of news stories that interest you, and talking to your classmates, coworkers and neighbours what is gonna happen when the boxes to tick yes/no appear regarding questions like:

    Do they oppose government policy?
    Do they support government policy?
    Are they able to follow direction to implement government policy as government demands?

    They will never work in any government department of significance. Not treasury (foreign and domestic fiscal policy), not energy (nuclear, emissions), not anywhere where they want to make a change, because government will not trust them.

    Maybe government invented these movements and they are coordinated by agents for this very purpose, to ensure the dictatorship.
  9. #9 Tuskegee Airman
    "War is bad, a healthy environment is important! If you agree, join our mailing list."

    That's gonna capture so much of society in one swoop.

    Only government stooges are going to be against that, they have been conditioned. It's very difficult to support destroying the planet and humanity.
  10. #10
    Who r u
  11. #11 Tuskegee Airman
    Like say you just started college. You have all these groups handing out flyers, sometimes by attractive people. You want to feel important. You want to go to keggers. You sign up.

    What does this do to the future of your life?

    Everything is digitised.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Like say you just started college. You have all these groups handing out flyers, sometimes by attractive people. You want to feel important. You want to go to keggers. You sign up.

    What does this do to the future of your life?

    Everything is digitised.

    Not much really. Tree a doo had black face and nobody really gave a shit.
  13. #13 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Not much really. Tree a doo had black face and nobody really gave a shit.

    If government makes all the decisions, and your voice means nothing, and you get on a watchlist of tree huggers, you are never gonna get inside government and affect policy.
  14. #14 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Not much really. Tree a doo had black face and nobody really gave a shit.

    Do you also think that government agents who are career managed, and know their future due to the system not being merit based, may do outrageous things like black face to further demonstrate their total power to those who are awake?
  15. #15 Tuskegee Airman
    The whole country is protesting against issue x. The media is behind it. The education system is behind it.

    There was one asshole in my class supporting issue x. He also said the brown girl has no right to comment because her parents are immigrants and she should adopt American culture instead of communist propaganda. Many times, in front of the whole class.

    Now he is a famous movie star/government person/investment banker
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by If government makes all the decisions, and your voice means nothing, and you get on a watchlist of tree huggers, you are never gonna get inside government and affect policy.

    What about AOC
  17. #17 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood What about AOC

    This is not a legitimate question.

    What about Ilhan Omar?

    How does she not have a hand up her ass getting her to talk about things to effect social and political outcomes domestically and internationally by causing public debate?
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Do you have any proof that she does
  19. #19
    Originally posted by If government makes all the decisions, and your voice means nothing, and you get on a watchlist of tree huggers, you are never gonna get inside government and affect policy.

    Lol what like bernie sanders whi has 50yrs in politics and got arrested in civil rights movements?
  20. #20 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Do you have any proof that she does


    Can I post it here or link it from Google?

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