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Heard you kids are into port scanning
2017-01-29 at 9:49 PM UTCThis is my implementation in C. It does a full connect scan which I read isn't the stealthiest, but it works.
The subnet library is a nifty way to do the bitwise ip logic although it's not great because I assemble a big endian bit string for the ip, but the architecture might not interpret it the same way. I'm on a little endian (intel) and it works. If you have a big endian machine you should let me know if it does or doesn't (I'll spin up a VM eventually too). I might need to explicitly test for endianess.
Trying to make sense of how I assemble the string, then how the architecture will interpret it, and then how the network structs will interpret that... making my head hurt. I just know I switch the endianess before sticking it into the addr struct.
edit: fuck it just look at the code on github
Post last edited by TreyGowdy at 2017-01-29T21:52:48.916741+00:00 -
2017-01-29 at 9:54 PM UTCHey Trey, welcome to the forum. We are into a lot of mischief including port scanning. Thank you for sharing your program. I like the way you write C, very readable.
Also, i know you from github. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2017-01-29 at 10:02 PM UTCIs this another agent?
2017-01-29 at 10:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by Sophie Hey Trey, welcome to the forum. We are into a lot of mischief including port scanning. Thank you for sharing your program. I like the way you write C, very readable.
Also, i know you from github. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm glad to hear. And yes I'm not new, just a name reset ;) -
2017-01-29 at 10:05 PM UTC
Originally posted by SBTlauien Is this another agent?
Nope just a Congressman. -
2017-01-29 at 10:09 PM UTC