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Dump idiot Trump

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  7. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Today a new nickname was added to call Trump that being Impotus

    Here are some nicknames from the past:

    1.70-Year-Old Toddler: Given by Charles M. Blow and Samantha Bee on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
    2.Adolf Twitler: A pun on Adolf Hitler.
    3.Agent Orange: A pun on the chemical weapon and The Donald’s skin color.
    4.beta Molester: This refers to Trump’s infamous groping tapes.
    5.America’s Black Mole: Given by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight.
    6.America’s Burst Appendix: Given by Samantha Bee on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
    7.Amnesty Don: Given by Joe Scarborough after Trump said that he was softening his stance on illegal immigrants.
    8.Angry Creamsicle: Given by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.
    9.Art Deal and Mr. “Art of the Deal: Donald Trump gave himself these nicknames when he made them the titles of his 1987 book, which he considers second only to the Bible.
    10.Assaulter-in-Chief: This refers to Trump’s infamous groping tapes.
    11.Asshole: This one’s self-explanatory.
    12.Baby Fingers Trump: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    13.Barbarian at the Debate: Given by Charles M. Blow.
    14.Barbecued Brutus: This refers to Caesar’s killer Brutus and the color of Donald Trump’s skin.
    15.Barrel-Shouting Meatball Donald Trump: Given by Chris Hardwick on @MIDNIGHT.
    16.Benedict Donald: This is a play on Benedict Arnold.
    17.Big Donald: Given by Marco Rubio, which was revised to “Pig Donald” by feminists.
    18.Birther Maniac: This name comes from Trump’s outrageous campaign to prove that President Obama was actually born in Kenya.
    19.Blitzkrieg Bozo: This is a combination of a type of warfare and the famous clown.
    20.Boiled Ham in a Wig: Given by Jon Stewart on The Axe Files podcast.
    21.Boldfinger: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    22.Boss Tweet: This refers to The Donald’s penchant for jumping on Twitter.
    23.Bratman: The hero that the United States doesn’t need or deserve.
    24.Bribe of Chucky: This refers to the movie about a murderous doll.
    25.Bully Boy: Given by Mike Rubio.
    26.Bumbledore: Refers to the character Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series.
    27.Bushman: Given by Michael R. Burch after Trump bragged about groping women to Billy Bush in the infamous tapes.
    28.Butternut Squash: Given by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.
    29.Cancer in a Wig: Given by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.
    30.Captain Chaos: Given by NBC News.
    31.Captain Outrageous: A pun on Captain Courageous made by Michael R. Burch.
    32.Cheddar Boy: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    33.Cheeto Benito: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    34.Cheeto Führer: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    35.Cheeto Jesus: Given by Rick Wilson.
    36.Cheeto-Dusted Bloviator: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    37.Cheeto-In-Chief: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    38.Cheez Doodle: Given by Maureen Dowd.
    39.Cheez Whiz: Given by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight.
    40.Chicken Donald: Given by Martin O’Malley.
    41.Chickenhawk: Because Trump evaded serving in the Vietnam War, but portrays himself as a war hawk. He once said he was “the most militaristic person on the planet.” Whatever that means.
    42.Cinnamon Hitler: Given by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.
    43.Comedy Entrapment: Given by Jon Stewart.
    44.Comrade Cheetolino: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    45.Corn Husk Doll Cursed by a Witch: Given by Chris Hardwick on @MIDNIGHT.
    46.Creep Throat: Given by Seth Meyers on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
    47.Crybaby Trump: Given by Jeff Kanew.
    48.Daddy Warbucks: This refers to the character from Annie.
    49.Damn Turd Pol: Damn Turd Pol is an anagram of Donald Trump.
    50.Dangerous Donald: Given by Hillary Clinton.
    51.Darth taxeVader: This refers to the villainous character from Star Wars.
    52.Decomposing Jack O’Lantern: Given by Jon Stewart.
    53.Dehydrated Orange Peel: Given by Libby Inman.
    54.Demander-in-Chief: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    55.Diaper Donald: Given by Kevin Cavanaugh.
    56.Dire Abby: A pun on “Dear Abby” made by Michael R. Burch because Trump frequently tweets relationship advice to other people, but it’s usual dire.
    57.Donald Dodo: Refers to the famously stupid dodo bird.
    58.Donald Drumpf: Given by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight.
    59.Donald Tax-Duck: Given by John Joseph Ribovich.
    60.Donald the Deadbeat: Given by Dan Rather.
    61.Donny: Made famous by SNL’s Church Lady played by Dana Carvey, but it was also his boyhood nickname.
    62.Draft Dodger: Given by Don C. Reed.
    63.Dumbo: given by Grace Taylor.
    64.Dump Tump: Given by Grace Taylor.
    65.Evil: Given by Gloria Reed.
    66.Failed Mail-Order Meat Salesman: Given by Ashley Feinberg while satirizing Trump Steaks.
    67.Fascist Carnival Barker: Given by Martin O’Malley.
    68.Fascist, loofa-faced shit-gibbon: Tweeted by Stephen Hoenstine.
    69.Feral Shouting Meatball Donald Trump: Given by Chris Hardwick on @MIDNIGHT.
    70.Fifth Avenue Freeze-Out: Given to him for trying to deny disabled vets the right to street vend on Fifth Avenue.
    71.Financially Embattled Thousandaire: Given by Gail Collins.
    72.Flat Top: Another of Trump’s boyhood nicknames.
    73.Fragile Soul: Given by Ted Cruz.
    74.Fruit of the Loom: Earned by looming over Hillary Clinton at the second presidential debate.
    75.Fuckface von Clownstick: Given by Jon Stewart
    76.Genghis Can’t: Given by Michael R. Burch because unlike Genghis Khan, the Donald is not equipped to rule the world.
    77.Gentle Donald: Given by Ted Cruz.
    78.God: Given by Jay Leno.
    79.Godzilla, with Less Foreign Policy Experience: Given by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.
    80.Golden Wrecking Ball: Given by Sarah Palin.
    81.Gossamer-Skinned Bully: Given by Graydon Carter.
    82.Government Expander: Given by Glen Beck.
    83.Grandpa Fucko: Given by Kyle Bunch.
    84.Groper-in-Chief: Given by Nicholas Kristof.
    85.Hair Apparent: A pun on Heir Apparent.
    86.Hair Furor: A pun on Herr Führer.
    87.Hair Hitler: A pun on Herr Hitler.
    88.Herr Lugenpresse: Given by Dan Rather.
    89.Human-Toupee Hybrid: Given by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.
    90.Humble: Donald Trump’s ironic choice when asked to provide a Secret Service codename.
    91.Humble Cow Pie: Because he’s the last thing from humble.
    92.Humble Trump: Given by his son Eric Trump, aka “Eric the Red.”
    93.Hurricane Donald: Given by Jeff Singer.
    94.Immigrant-Bashing Carnival Barker: TIME Magazine, quoting presidential candidate Martin O’Malley.
    95.In-Vet-Irate Liar: Earned by claiming to support vets while trying to sweep them off the streets.
    96.Job Security (for Comedians): Given by Jimmy Kimmel on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
    97.John Baron and John Barron: Both are Donald Trump’s pseudonyms.
    98.John Boehner’s Tanning Partner in Crime: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    99.John Miller: Another pseudonym Donald Trump uses to brag about his exploits.
    100.Kelly’s Zero: A pun on Megyn Kelly’s Heroes.
    101.Killer Klown from Outer Space: Taken from the title of a “b” movie.
    102.King of the Oompa Loompas: Given by Justin Baragona.
    103.King of the Whoppers: Given by USA Today on Christmas Day in 2015.
    104.King Tut: Because his insults make millions of people go, “Tut, tut, tut!”
    105.Lady Fingers Trump: Given by Don C. Reed.
    106.Liberal Wannabe Strongman: Given by David McIntosh.
    107.Liberals’ Best Friend: Since the Trump administration will undoubtedly convert some conservatives into liberals.
    108.Loosin’ Donald: Given by Ted Cruz.
    109.Lord Dampnut: An anagram for Donald Trump.
    110.Lord Voldemort: Given by Rosie O’Donnell.
    111.Machado Meltdown: Given by Hillary Clinton.
    112.Maladroit Savage Spiraling Out of Control: Given by Charles M. Blow.
    113.Man-Baby: Given by Jon Stewart.
    114.Meathead: Given by John Joseph Ribovich.
    115.Mein Furor: Given by Murfster35 on DailyKos.
    116.Mogul: Donald Trump’s Secret Service code name.
    117.Moneydiaper McStupid: Given by Nick Musgrave.
    118.Mr. Brexit: Coined by himself.
    119.Mr. Chickenhawk: Because he’s a coward who portrays himself as a war hawk
    120.Mr. Macho: Given by Bernie Sanders.
    121.Mr. Meticulous: Trump’s military academy nickname, given because he folded his underwear into neat squares.
    122.Mr. Wiggy Piggy: Because he’s such a male chauvinist pig and that hair!
    123.Mussolini’s Taint: Given by Kyle Bunch.
    124.Narcissistic Human Airhorn: Given by Chris Hardwick on @MIDNIGHT.
    125.New York Pork Dork: Given by Michael R. Burch because Trump’s companies have feasted on government subsidies and tax breaks.
    126.No More Donald: Tweeted by Elizabeth Warren.
    127.Orange Anus: Given by Rosie O’Donnell.
    128.Orange Julius: A pun on the fruit drink chain and Julius Caesar.
    129.Orange Manatee: Given by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.
    130.Orange Slug: Given by Rosie O’Donnell.
    131.Orangeback Gorilla: Coined after trying to physically intimidate Hillary Clinton in the second presidential debate.
    132.Panda Hair: Given by Elizabeth Harris Burch.
    133.Pander Hair: Also given by Elizabeth Harris Burch.
    134.Peripatetic Political Showman: Coined by The Fiscal Times.
    135.Pile of Old Garbage Covered in Vodka Sauce: Given by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.
    136.Political Gutterball: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    137.Poor Donald: Given by Hillary Clinton.
    138.Poster Child of American Decline: Given by Robert Spencer.
    139.POTUS WRECKS: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    140.Putin’s Gambit: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    141.Queens’ Reich: Trump is from Queens, NY, and sounds like the second coming of the Third Reich.
    142.Rabble-Rousing Demagogue: Given by John Cassidy in The New Yorker.
    143.Riptide of Regression: Given by Dan Rather.
    144.Rome Burning in Man Form: Given by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight.
    145.Ronald McDonald Trump-Bozo: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    146.Sack of Gilded Lunchmeat: Given by Kyle Bunch.
    147.Screaming Carrot Demon: Given by Samantha Bee on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
    148.Scrooge Grinch McGrump: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    149.Serial Feeler: A pun on serial killer.
    150.Short-fingered vulgarian: Given by Grayson Carter.
    151.Silver Spoon Donald: Given by Don C. Reed.
    152.Snake Oil Salesman: Given by Rosie O’Donnell.
    153.Sniffles: Coined after The Donald sniffled like a cocaine addict during the second presidential debate.
    154.Sociopathic 70-Year-Old Toddler: Given by Samantha Bee on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
    155.Stubby Baby Fingers Trump: Given by Michael R. Burch.
    156.Stuporman: Since Trump’s superpower is putting people to sleep and making them dream that he has magical superpowers.
    157.Tan Dump Lord: An anagram for Donald Trump
    158.Tangello Fruit Roll-Up Stretched Over Cat Litter Donald Trump: Given by Chris Hardwick on @MIDNIGHT.
    159.Tangerine Tornado: Used by SNL’s Church Lady played by Dana Carvey.
    160.Tangerine-Tinted Trash-Can Fire: Given by Samantha Bee on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
    161.TelePrompTer Trump: Given by Mark Sumner.
    162.Terroristic Man-Toddler: Given by Charles M. Blow.
    163.The Big Cheeto: This nickname highlights the extreme orange-ness of The Donald.
    164.The Boychurian Candidate: A pun given by Michael R. Burch on The Manchurian Candidate.
    165.The Chaos Candidate: Given by Jeb Bush.
    166.The Cowardly Lyin’: This refers to the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz.
    167.The Definer: According to The Donald, he defines other candidates and soon after they become political trivia questions
    168.The Donald: Ivana Trump first used the term in a 1989 Spy Magazine cover story.
    169.The Dumpster: A pun on Trumpster and the “Dump Trump” slogan.
    170.The Emperor with no Balls: Graffiti found on naked statues of Trump.
    171.The Fomentor: Given by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.
    172.The Germinator: Trump hates to shake hands because he’s a germaphobe.
    173.The GOP’s Unhinged Front-Runner: Given by Robert Schlesinger, the managing editor at U.S. News & World Report.
    174.The Grand Wizard of Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Given by Murfster35 on DailyKos.
    175.The Greatest Charlatan (of them all): Given by Brent Bozell.
    176.The Human Bullhorn: Given by Jim Newell in Slate.
    177.The Human Corncob: Given by Erin L. Cody.
    178.The Man of Steal (made in China): Coined after Hillary Clinton pointed out that Trump hotels have been built with illegally-imported Chinese steel.
    179.The Michelangelo of Ballyhoo: Coined by TIME’s David Von Drehle in his cover article on Trump.
    180.The New Furor: A pun on Führer.
  8. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    via Imgflip Meme Generator
  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by stl1 It sure seems like every time her and Trump get into it, Trump loses.

    The exact opposite is true.
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Trump supporters are eating humble pie!

    To eat humble pie, in common usage, is to face humiliation and subsequently apologize for a serious mistake.

    You really don't understand us.
  11. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Evangelicals think they can heal you by slapping your forehead and shouting "HEALED"..only a dem would put any weight behind their thoughts.

    And Republicans openly court their support


  12. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Fuck their respect. They are, for the most part, all bought and paid for globalist puppet bitches. I would rather have a free leader who is disrespected by pussy puppets than just another pussy puppet like Obama, both of the Bush boys, or Clinton.


    >not a puppet

  13. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You really don't understand us.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm do I need a decoder ring from a cereal box to understand?
  14. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace >trump

    >not a puppet

    Then shouldn't you be mad at the puppet master?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. whoami Tuskegee Airman
  16. RottenRobert African Astronaut

    Why is his face so red?
  17. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by RottenRobert

    Why is his face so red?

    Everything in the picture is red. It's due to the jedi behind the box playing with the saturation - which you would know if you weren't technically retarded.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Donald J Kidfucker

  19. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Then shouldn't you be mad at the puppet master?

    I hate Russia and Russians just as much.
  20. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm do I need a decoder ring from a cereal box to understand?

    Nope, just the ability to reason.
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