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i got cucked by the pig jedis for littering and have a class A misdemeanor now

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Why not put the can in a backpack or something instead of throwing it on the ground. Sheesh kids these days have no respect!.

    I know right? lol. Whenever I go walks to the store and chug a beer I put the can in my backpack and dispose of it at the store.
  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Did this happen today?
  3. #23
    yes officer
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Better get your parents to get you an attorney if it is a class a misdemeanor. I had 2 class A misdameanors when i was 17 and my parents had to shell out about 5k to get both of them dropped so I wouldn't have to do jail time, but I of course did spend a day initially for each arrest when I was arrested..

    then I once had a class a misdameanor for a dwi and even with an attorney I still temporarily lost my license and had to do a week downtown.

    get the affidavit from the county clerk and see what the deal is if they even have any legit evidence on you. And how did you find out you have this pending charge?

  5. #25
    Originally posted by the holy ghost i was in jail for a few hours after the cops pulled me over for doing a whippet and throwing the can, they scanned my ID and found theres a warrant for me from the 22nd from some unnamed girl. they took away my nutmeg and poppy seeds too.

    Be careful. Don't get a DUI.
  6. #26
    Yeah the cop would probably just roll past you if you didn't litter but he SAW you litter so you are fucked, he is gonna remember your name and face and where you live now because you pissed him off.

    In my experience most cops don't give a FUCK about drugs if you are respectful and obey the rules generally. I've never gotten a ticket for doing anything dumb when I was younger even though we would walk around black out drunk with a boxof coke cans and drop them all over the road make a huge mess but we cleaned it up and the cops didn't even care that we were drunk and underaged and obviously high.

    If we would have just kept on walking im sure we would be stopped and searched, jailed for the night, etc. Those same cops months later got a call about us when we were in a park past midnight smoking weed and they just told us not to go in parks this late and hang out because its a bylaw. Cops are pretty cool and good to have on your side.

    I feel bad when I throw cigarette butts on the ground but there is never a garbage can around when I smoke and theres no way im carrying them around.
  7. #27
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by the holy ghost aggravated harassment in the second degree (lol gay)

    You must of really of done something to piss her off, and you can't possibly think of who it is?

    Like six years ago, I was arrested for sexual assault. This fat plumper bitch, I was hanging out with at the time was getting on my nerves, and I put her stuff in a box and dropped it off with her sister, she called me all day crying and asking why am I doing this. That night I took some valium and was drinking on top of it, finnally returned her calls and was all coy and was like "hey whats up? can I come over?"

    and she reluctantly said yes, I came over all blitzed out from the valium, had a 40 of OE with me. And kept talking about how I liked her sister, she slapped me and I threw the bottle against her wall and yelled at her. She ent up apologizing and stared to blow me.

    Then I brought up her sister again and she freaked out really bad and told me to leave and I told her I'm too drunk to let me sleep off my drunk and I'll leave in a couple hours. So basically her, and her sister, and her neighbor came in and were trying to yank the comforter off my naked body and kicking me.

    The neighbor girl called the cops and I was like Oh shit, and got my clothes on and ran out to my car, i was driving out of the complex when the cops caught me right there. And they put me in the car and took me to some precinct I've never been before and I was all freaking out because the cop that put me in his car said that she said I forced her to give me a bj. And on the computer in the car it said i was being detained for sexual assault.

    Anyways they put me in this room (they didn't "book me") and took my cellphone and some really sexy detective came in and she was asking me why did I go over to her house, and I told her the entire story but leaving out the part about taking valium and drinking (at this point i was so freaked out I sobered up real quick) and basically just told her I was there to get some ass.

    They ent up driving me back to my car and told me to never contact that girl again. So i deleted her number. Like maybe 5 days I get a call and I'm like "hello who is this??" and it was that girl and she was crying and she was like "DOOoougg!!!"

    and I said you shouldn't be calling me and hung up on her. I guess I got lucky cause they probably could of spun that easily in their manner.
  8. #28
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Enjoy death row
  9. #29
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You must of really of done something to piss her off, and you can't possibly think of who it is?

    Like six years ago, I was arrested for sexual assault. This fat plumper bitch, I was hanging out with at the time was getting on my nerves, and I put her stuff in a box and dropped it off with her sister, she called me all day crying and asking why am I doing this. That night I took some valium and was drinking on top of it, finnally returned her calls and was all coy and was like "hey whats up? can I come over?"

    and she reluctantly said yes, I came over all blitzed out from the valium, had a 40 of OE with me. And kept talking about how I liked her sister, she slapped me and I threw the bottle against her wall and yelled at her. She ent up apologizing and stared to blow me.

    Then I brought up her sister again and she freaked out really bad and told me to leave and I told her I'm too drunk to let me sleep off my drunk and I'll leave in a couple hours. So basically her, and her sister, and her neighbor came in and were trying to yank the comforter off my naked body and kicking me.

    The neighbor girl called the cops and I was like Oh shit, and got my clothes on and ran out to my car, i was driving out of the complex when the cops caught me right there. And they put me in the car and took me to some precinct I've never been before and I was all freaking out because the cop that put me in his car said that she said I forced her to give me a bj. And on the computer in the car it said i was being detained for sexual assault.

    Anyways they put me in this room (they didn't "book me") and took my cellphone and some really sexy detective came in and she was asking me why did I go over to her house, and I told her the entire story but leaving out the part about taking valium and drinking (at this point i was so freaked out I sobered up real quick) and basically just told her I was there to get some ass.

    They ent up driving me back to my car and told me to never contact that girl again. So i deleted her number. Like maybe 5 days I get a call and I'm like "hello who is this??" and it was that girl and she was crying and she was like "DOOoougg!!!"

    and I said you shouldn't be calling me and hung up on her. I guess I got lucky cause they probably could of spun that easily in their manner.

    Holy shit you handled this horribly. You're lucky. One step crazier and she might've pursued the sexual assault lie. She had witnesses too.

    This is why I'm glad to be married.
  10. #30
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You must of really of done something to piss her off, and you can't possibly think of who it is?

    Like six years ago, I was arrested for sexual assault. This fat plumper bitch, I was hanging out with at the time was getting on my nerves, and I put her stuff in a box and dropped it off with her sister, she called me all day crying and asking why am I doing this. That night I took some valium and was drinking on top of it, finnally returned her calls and was all coy and was like "hey whats up? can I come over?"

    and she reluctantly said yes, I came over all blitzed out from the valium, had a 40 of OE with me. And kept talking about how I liked her sister, she slapped me and I threw the bottle against her wall and yelled at her. She ent up apologizing and stared to blow me.

    Then I brought up her sister again and she freaked out really bad and told me to leave and I told her I'm too drunk to let me sleep off my drunk and I'll leave in a couple hours. So basically her, and her sister, and her neighbor came in and were trying to yank the comforter off my naked body and kicking me.

    The neighbor girl called the cops and I was like Oh shit, and got my clothes on and ran out to my car, i was driving out of the complex when the cops caught me right there. And they put me in the car and took me to some precinct I've never been before and I was all freaking out because the cop that put me in his car said that she said I forced her to give me a bj. And on the computer in the car it said i was being detained for sexual assault.

    Anyways they put me in this room (they didn't "book me") and took my cellphone and some really sexy detective came in and she was asking me why did I go over to her house, and I told her the entire story but leaving out the part about taking valium and drinking (at this point i was so freaked out I sobered up real quick) and basically just told her I was there to get some ass.

    They ent up driving me back to my car and told me to never contact that girl again. So i deleted her number. Like maybe 5 days I get a call and I'm like "hello who is this??" and it was that girl and she was crying and she was like "DOOoougg!!!"

    and I said you shouldn't be calling me and hung up on her. I guess I got lucky cause they probably could of spun that easily in their manner.

    I wonder how much this sort of thing happens and how it stacks up in terms of numbers of 'unreported' or 'uncharged' rapes
  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    That would suck soooo much to go to jail over some bitch you didn't even get to beat up / fuck
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by aldra I wonder how much this sort of thing happens and how it stacks up in terms of numbers of 'unreported' or 'uncharged' rapes

    I didn't rape her though. Not that I acted appropriate though.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I didn't rape her though. Not that I acted appropriate though.

    Protip: It doesn't matter.

    Seriously, why did you go back to her at all? Are you that much of a horndog?
  14. #34
    Sploo chases girls and gets in trouble. I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE GIRLS BRO!!!

    IT's like watching coughgel bundy and jeff dahmer grow up in real life. You should start drinking heavily.
  15. #35
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I didn't rape her though. Not that I acted appropriate though.

    not saying you did the right thing, but you didn't rape anyone.

    I meant that since certain groups are always talking about cops 'turning a blind eye to rape', I wonder how often stupid shit like this happens - dumb situation leading to her claiming rape after the fact - considering the way you described the cops talking to you, I'd hazard a guess that they come across similar situations a LOT.
  16. #36
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Protip: It doesn't matter.

    Seriously, why did you go back to her at all? Are you that much of a horndog?

    Like I said it was a poor decision I made while on benzo's, I'm sure you can understand. And yes I was much more of a horn dog at that time in my life.
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Like I said it was a poor decision I made while on benzo's, I'm sure you can understand. And yes I was much more of a horn dog at that time in my life.

    Oh, I missed that.

    Reason not to be a benzo addict #658993
  18. #38
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by aldra not saying you did the right thing, but you didn't rape anyone.

    I meant that since certain groups are always talking about cops 'turning a blind eye to rape', I wonder how often stupid shit like this happens - dumb situation leading to her claiming rape after the fact - considering the way you described the cops talking to you, I'd hazard a guess that they come across similar situations a LOT.

    all the time I'm sure, its so easy for girls to pull it off because girls LOVE to be victims.

    My ex gf and I had a huge fight several years ago where it ent up with the cops kicking in my door as I was choking her. She told the cops all these details about how I asked to fuck her ass, but I was so shit faced / raging I couldn't get it up and I told her to suck my dick and I told her this blow job sucks, so in the police report they have me quoted as saying that.

    When I went to court for it they had these womens activist there an the judge was saying this affidavit is so disgusting I'm not even going to read it out loud, i ent up being charged with strangulation assault and had to take anger mgmt, in the anger mgmt class the guy said "id like to talk about the sexual component of some of your guys cases and sternly stared me down.

    I didn't rape her either. but it definitely didn't look good.

    Then another time my daughters mom told my ex gf that I raped her, which i didn't my gf was out of town or something and my daughters mom came over and was all acting emo and how she wanted me to have sex with her again and how she loves me blah blah blah, I ent up getting drunk and caved in and fucked her, and half way thru she started crying and I told me to stop so I got off of her and that was that.

    But the fact that she was telling people i raped her was pretty megalomaniacal
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #39
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Oh, I missed that.

    Reason not to be a benzo addict #658993

    haha yeah, I've never been much of a benzo guy, but just happened to come across some, they always made me do some of the most asinine shit I would never do sober, not even drunk.
  20. #40
    Wow man. You should post a copy of that first police report.
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