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Tell Me Your Most Brutal Story

  1. #41
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by cigreting did she die m8

    No. She’s married now to someone she met in NA.
  2. #42
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace ya casper killed her with his dick

    Prolly. One of the few things I miss about H is being able to fuck like a lanky overweight porn star. Just hours. And then when you finally nut it’s like someone punted you in the taint with a pointy boot.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #43
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The numerous ribbons hanging from low horizontal branches in Sam Houston National forest tell my brutal story.

    You're the Sam Houston Forest Killer??
  4. #44
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by cigreting did she die m8

    Yep. Dead as a door nail. Ghosted.
  5. #45
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by CASPER No. She’s married now to someone she met in NA.

    thats too bad
  6. #46
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Fuck when someone posts an articulate and honest personal story it makes me want to too but Im pretty paranoid
  7. #47
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Fuck when someone posts an articulate and honest personal story it makes me want to too but Im pretty paranoid

    Paranoid about what? Your PI isn't hard to obtain, and chances are nobody would do anything with it if they got it. Just post your fucking stories already.
  8. #48
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by cigreting Going to make this really short. Too long of a story.

    I went out with this girl for almost 6 years. She got me charged with assault and some other bullshit a few years into our relationship. We were at a bar out in the country and we got into an arguement because she was a jealious bitch.
    We left the bar and driving home in the country she wanted out so i stopped and let her out and drove away. She said i hit her to the cops who picked her sorry ass up. This was completely false and no marks on her. I did eventually get those charges dropped but it cost me a few thousand.

    In the meantime there's an automatic no contact order. Fast forward a couple weeks and we are talking again and hanging out.
    I picked her up from her parents ( she was going to college and living at home) and her dad calls the cops on me because hes a little bitch who didnt like me.

    The faggot cops are waiting at my house before I even get there and arrest me. I cut all contact with her after this, because if i violated the conditions of the no-contact order, i would be charged with a felony.
    So for the next two years I was harassed by this cunt wanting me back, sending pictures, texts, calling then hanging up. I called the cops multiple times to file complaints but she now lived in another city 4 hours away so they didnt do shit until i went and taked to one of the state's attorneys. This bitch was finally charged with harassment after 2 years of complaints. A few days later she kills herself after appearing on the charges.
    I think about it often and this was over 4 years ago. I hope nobody has to go through anything like this

    G's up, ho's down. :D
  9. #49
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Well, I don't know if you're ready to handle this but. I spilled the bong water. Then I Fucked Your World
  10. #50
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Sudo Fuck when someone posts an articulate and honest personal story it makes me want to too but Im pretty paranoid

    I'm still waiting to sort, catalog and file your stories.
  11. #51
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm still waiting to sort, catalog and file your stories.

    release all the copies of 2001 threads regarding "attacking WTC and Pentagon and White House" which may have strong ties to WUO
  12. #52
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Fuck Your World release all the copies of 2001 threads regarding "attacking WTC and Pentagon and White House" which may have strong ties to WUO

    That's highly classified, on a need-to-know. Sorry.
  13. #53
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    When I was a kid, I had this "friend" by the name of Chris Rock. His Dad was in the military and he hated his father with a passion, because he'd get beat up all the time for doing stupid shit. One night he comes over to my house and says he's going to take his Dad's car, a big old Pontiac Parisienne, and he wants me to come along. At first, I said fuck that, but when he kept egging on, I decided to go for a spin. We jump in the car and he hits the country roads and we're barreling along, and then all of a sudden he goes completely squirrely and starts giggling his head off and shrieking and yelling random shit at the top of his lungs, and the he floors the accelerator, while he's screaming away "fuck the world!", "fuck everything!", and then I grabbed him by the coat and told him to slow down. But, instead, he kept his foot clamped right to the floor on the pedal, and the front of the car started waving back and forth by itself, hovering, and I looked at the speedometer and it was well over 100 mph. The rocks and bits were flying up over the hood so thick at this point that it started to completely obstruct the forward view, and the front end of the car really started to kick left and right, jerkily and abruptly. The whole time I had my hand on his neck and coat and was yelling at him to stop and trying to get my leg under his to pry it up off the accelerator, with him fighting back.

    Then I look up, and there's an end-of-the-road T-intersection coming up right in front of us, with a big yellow caution sign planted in the ground. We blew right through the sign at over 100 mph and it flew right up the windshield in a split second, then we're blowing through a fence, and it, too, goes right up and over the windshield in a flash, and next thing we're sailing through the air 10 feet off the ground down into a farmer's field. The front of the car went nose down and finally impacted and we literally plowed a tremendous amount of soil right up over the hood and into the windshield as the front end skated along the ground, with the back end still up in the air and us looking down, and after what seemed like an eternity of skating nose-end for tens of yards, the car finally stopped, with tail end sticking straight up in the air and perfectly balanced at 90 degrees, with its front end dug down several feet into the earth. I started banging my back again the back of my seat to try and affect the balance and make it come down the right way, and it finally did come crashing down the right way, with one of the tires still blasting away at 100 mph and throwing out white billows of smoke from the wheel well. I switched off the ignition and killed the engine, and my "friend" Chris jumped out and started running away, still giggling and laughing and yelling nonsense. I ended up having to walk 20+ miles home that night, at 3am in the morning.
  14. #54
    Poast Houston
    When I was 17, I was in a 90mph truck rollover down the highway with two other guys. We rolled through the center medium and into the upcoming lane. When we stopped, the cab ripped off the chassis with the driver and I inside, but not before tossing the passenger, the pinning him under the cab. When I crawled out of the wreckage, the first car that would have hit the cab had it not stopped was a semi truck. The driver locked his wrist into the steering wheel as we were fishtailing, and shattered it. He also fractured vertebrae in his neck, and ended up with tons of face scars. Passenger shattered an arm as well, had brain swelling, broken ribs and a collapsed lung. He was bleeding out of his ears as we pulled him out from under the cab. He was suffocating under the weight. I walked away with a few stitches in my back and staples in my head. It was the drivers 18th birthday so we was legally responsible for endangering us, both minors, plus drunk driving, reckless driving, they threw the book at him. He spent the better part of a year on his couch letting his neck heal, then they hauled him off to jail for the better part of another year, suspended his license for 5 years. Probably the worst 18th birthday story I’ve ever been involved in.
  15. #55
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Octavian I think the first episode was enough to not go back there.

    Ya well i was young and stupid, learned my lesson
  16. #56
    Originally posted by Poast When I was 17, I was in a 90mph truck rollover down the highway with two other guys. We rolled through the center medium and into the upcoming lane. When we stopped, the cab ripped off the chassis with the driver and I inside, but not before tossing the passenger, the pinning him under the cab. When I crawled out of the wreckage, the first car that would have hit the cab had it not stopped was a semi truck. The driver locked his wrist into the steering wheel as we were fishtailing, and shattered it. He also fractured vertebrae in his neck, and ended up with tons of face scars. Passenger shattered an arm as well, had brain swelling, broken ribs and a collapsed lung. He was bleeding out of his ears as we pulled him out from under the cab. He was suffocating under the weight. I walked away with a few stitches in my back and staples in my head. It was the drivers 18th birthday so we was legally responsible for endangering us, both minors, plus drunk driving, reckless driving, they threw the book at him. He spent the better part of a year on his couch letting his neck heal, then they hauled him off to jail for the better part of another year, suspended his license for 5 years. Probably the worst 18th birthday story I’ve ever been involved in.

    drunk driv bad
  17. #57
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Yep. Dead as a door nail. Ghosted.

    sweet gotta pay to play
  18. #58
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Poast When I was 17, I was in a 90mph truck rollover down the highway with two other guys. We rolled through the center medium and into the upcoming lane. When we stopped, the cab ripped off the chassis with the driver and I inside, but not before tossing the passenger, the pinning him under the cab. When I crawled out of the wreckage, the first car that would have hit the cab had it not stopped was a semi truck. The driver locked his wrist into the steering wheel as we were fishtailing, and shattered it. He also fractured vertebrae in his neck, and ended up with tons of face scars. Passenger shattered an arm as well, had brain swelling, broken ribs and a collapsed lung. He was bleeding out of his ears as we pulled him out from under the cab. He was suffocating under the weight. I walked away with a few stitches in my back and staples in my head. It was the drivers 18th birthday so we was legally responsible for endangering us, both minors, plus drunk driving, reckless driving, they threw the book at him. He spent the better part of a year on his couch letting his neck heal, then they hauled him off to jail for the better part of another year, suspended his license for 5 years. Probably the worst 18th birthday story I’ve ever been involved in.

    That's unfortunate. I've probably killed a bunch of people from all my hazy drunken hit and runs I cant remember. Glad you made it out alive.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #59
    Originally posted by mmQ That's unfortunate. I've probably killed a bunch of people from all my hazy drunken hit and runs I cant remember. Glad you made it out alive.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace drunk driv bad
  20. #60
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by CASPER Prolly. One of the few things I miss about H is being able to fuck like a lanky overweight porn star. Just hours. And then when you finally nut it’s like someone punted you in the taint with a pointy boot.

    The longest I've ever made it is 10 minutes. I've nicknamed myself One Pump Peter. That's why I'm so damn good at eating pussy.
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