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What would you do if you went to jail and was never in a gang

  1. #21
    WellHung Black Hole
    Wariat got his ass kicked on the reg by Guatemalans.
  2. #22
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    And fuck yea id tell or snitch on any of those fucks if i had to do it again id say the exact truth and how cowardly the spider monkey attacked me knowing how they manipulated thwt guard and treated me after. All the inmates knew cause in the day room id escribed it detail by detail and knew it was a shit cell. Some of the whites wanted to go in there with fades they were even saying wt niht shut off i am bringing heat to their cell but i moved wuickly thereafter wnd wll of a sudden thwt asian fucker had no issue with me moving later.
  3. #23
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    He never won the fight. I just got tired of punching him and his face was alsos wollen and lit up. Plus when I asked he had eniugh he ealked away but later tried to talk shit hell cut me.
  4. #24
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Thats crazy how he is describing whacking a celly on youtube:

  5. #25
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat He never wom the fight. I just got tired of punching him and his face was alsos wollen and lit up. Plus when i asked he had eniugh he ealked away but later tried tot alk shit thwt hell cut me.

    U seem like a bad man, wariat. You could probably kick anyone's ass on this website
  6. #26
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    He was walking around with sun glasses after thwt for like a week. I had the bite mark thwt was mis color blue wnd red wnd a scratch from the stick newr my eye.
  7. #27
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat He was walking around with sun glasses after thwt for like a week. I had the bite mark thwt was mis color blue wnd red wnd a scratch from the stick newr my eye.

    Because you were willing to fight and stuck up for yourself, the bully moved on to easier targets. That's how it works in The Joint.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #28
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    True dat. This was at vsp or valley state btw level 2. I was also one write up from being level three due to the two fights in san quentin. Btw i had another fight later in my new cell with this lifer or wannabe leader of the new cell there named iron who was a black guy. And the carnicas or karnikas guy the lifer from the previous cell was all of a sudden trying to keep me there and warned me about the iron guy which was funny but i moved anyway considering it couldnt be worse than that previous cell. Crazy shit was this dungeons and dragons dude who was also hispanic but looked hindu or indian and was kinda big and american born offered to move me in there because my new bunky was ane x cop who had no money and told me if i could take care of him and offer him coffee once in a wuile hell appreciate it. None of them even told iron i was moving in there and they ha dthis weird tension with iron and the hindu looking dude for who runs the cell. But i fought againand i actually ended up fighting that karnikas or carnicas lifer from previous cell in my new cell later as well as he owed me soups and other inmates riled me up to remind him to pay.
  9. #29
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I would find the nearest person named maciej lata and rape the everloving fuck out of him
  10. #30
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    And get this the crazier thing in all of this is later i ended up on a diff yard st vsp on d yard or thr short timer go home yard doing the substance abuse or sap program and all chill and comfy. And they hand me a ducket for transfer to corcoran or satf. I was like wtf im short timing it and they wanna transfer me in the middle of sap? Thats how firty they are there in california. They had a new sny yard that opened up ins atf and were filling it and a shitload of people got duckets. They didnt care how much time you nad left, how close you are to your fsmily for gisits or even if you were doing sap (which completion takes time off your sentence and they did it again later btw to me as i had to restart it thenmoved me to an mccf like the guy int he video desxribes abofe his celly csme from). And guess what, that iron dude and the spider monkey both got transferred with me but not in the same transfer bus or time like a month apart to the same fucking corcoran ors atf yard. And this other bit black dude who i ended up fighting there and described in a rpevious post on here named lb or long beach who was a typical gang member and really these were the three worst individuals ive ever done time with at least at valley state thwt all ended up on that yard with me. This is the life im telling you about star trek...
  11. #31
    I bet you can't make it one day without posting a shit thread
  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Id probably buy a type writer and write a book about my lyfe / totse and profit when I got out.
  13. #33
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo I would find the nearest person named maciej lata and rape the everloving fuck out of him

    damn you're nasty
  14. #34
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Id probably buy a type writer and write a book about my lyfe / totse and profit when I got out.

    I wrote a couple short stories and lotta poems an wrote a bunch of ideas down. Even wrote a stand up comedy routine

    Then you get out and you're like "this needs a ton of editing to make it in the real world" and just give up and buck fitches rake roney
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo I wrote a couple short stories and lotta poems an wrote a bunch of ideas down. Even wrote a stand up comedy routine

    Then you get out and you're like "this needs a ton of editing to make it in the real world" and just give up and buck fitches rake roney

    Yeah inmates are super crafty when you're in that enviroment, theirs tons of actros/ comedians / handy men.. like if the grid went down and we were in a new flood I'd hope some gont in the pen would use a paper clip and and matresses to sail all the gonts out.
  16. #36
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat And get this the crazier thing in all of this is later i ended up on a diff yard st vsp on d yard or thr short timer go home yard doing the substance abuse or sap program and all chill and comfy. And they hand me a ducket for transfer to corcoran or satf. I was like wtf im short timing it and they wanna transfer me in the middle of sap? Thats how firty they are there in california. They had a new sny yard that opened up ins atf and were filling it and a shitload of people got duckets. They didnt care how much time you nad left, how close you are to your fsmily for gisits or even if you were doing sap (which completion takes time off your sentence and they did it again later btw to me as i had to restart it thenmoved me to an mccf like the guy int he video desxribes abofe his celly csme from). And guess what, that iron dude and the spider monkey both got transferred with me but not in the same transfer bus or time like a month apart to the same fucking corcoran ors atf yard. And this other bit black dude who i ended up fighting there and described in a rpevious post on here named lb or long beach who was a typical gang member and really these were the three worst individuals ive ever done time with at least at valley state thwt all ended up on that yard with me. This is the life im telling you about star trek…

    What is SAP? Is it a drug program? They have it in KY and it also takes time off your sentence or gets you paroled....I completed it, it's 6 months....
  17. #37
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk What is SAP? Is it a drug program? They have it in KY and it also takes time off your sentence or gets you paroled….I completed it, it's 6 months….

    was it one of those drug programs like SMART where you have to snitch on your selaco over not putting on the tooth paste cap on back properly.. seems pretty gay
  18. #38
    G African Astronaut
    This Wariat kid's as fucked in the head as Fona wow.
  19. #39
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby was it one of those drug programs like SMART where you have to snitch on your selaco over not putting on the tooth paste cap on back properly.. seems pretty gay

    Yup that's the same shit. I'm not sure how I completed it, given I was smoking spice the whole time 😵🤢🤯☠
  20. #40
    WellHung Black Hole
    A large amount of kinetic energy can keep a pond from freezing over in sub-freezing temperatures.
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