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  1. #1
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Anybody have experience with PD?
    How does it compare to Max/MSP?
    I have it on my laptop, once I get moved I plan on figuring it out and using it for sound art/noise, I have some ideas in mind .... I want to make anime themed industrial music ..... It's going to be the greatest thing ever.
  2. #2
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've used it. To be honest it's objectively worse that Max/MSP in every way except being OSS and the price tag.

    If you're already quite comfortable with Max then you can get stuff done and it's an acceptable replacement. If you're just learning then you really should shell out for Max. And if you're a pro you should probably be using Max. Sadly the only real reason I can see it use PD is if you're a poorfag or want to take a moral stand on OSS at the cost of the user experience.
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