Originally posted by mmQ
I'd like to get manic again and start accomplishing shit or at least going back to Walmart and stuffing canisters of babby formula in my oversized coat. I might move to Thailand with my sister soon.
Originally posted by CASPER
I used to. Not so much anymore. When im by myself, its too quiet and i think too much. Kind of like how when i was a little kid I used to have anxiety attacks at night thinking about the fact that one day i was going to die and i wouldnt exist anymore.
I want to get out and enjoy life, but its like I dont have my own spark plugs anymore. I need someone else to give me the push to do things, and then I enjoy doing them. Right now I pretty much hate being alone.
Originally posted by cigreting
Either a woman or a really femmy dude
Lol. My testosterone levels are dogshit, but I feel like 13 years of isolation and heroin addiction are a decent enough reason for being a bit of a sourpuss
Very much so, but not all the time...human companionship is required for normie functionality. I just don't need or want someone around 24/7, familiarity breeds contempt etc.