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You ever gone to the zoo high?

  1. #1
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Indeed m8. Every fucking time as it were. Last toime hopped the ol fence to the Llama den to get a selfie and they didn't take too kindly to me. Thought they were sleeping but they were pulling some fakesies on me. Cut my side up real bad hopping the fence to get out in lieu of being rammed by Papa Llama
  3. #3
    I havent been to the zoo sober since I was a young kid. I fuckin love blazin and goin to the zoo. Lookin at monkey and shit.
  4. #4
    bling bling Dark Matter
    buy a bag of mixwed nuts b4 to threw at the animals is wot i normally do if u trew it at a meer kat it rite funny it starts rubbin it on its ear
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    hell yeah i have, my daughters mom and i went to the austin zoo one time while i was on klonopin and i took a nap on a bench

    i stared at a monkey and he thought I was challenging him

  6. #6
    I saw them leave out dead animal heads on stumps once.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I saw them leave out dead animal heads on stumps once.

    Thats hardcore bro.
  8. #8
  9. #9
    They also had niggers.
  10. #10
    We had onions with us to give the monkeys because apparently they rub eachother to get the smell off their hands which gets them horny ands starts a monkey orgy. It didn't work.
  11. #11
    Try tech laced bananas next time.
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