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TinyChat is shit down for good.

  1. #1
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    bout time they put it out of its misery.
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    k now we don't have to hear your stupid voice and see your face in real time.
  3. #3
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    It was fucking garbage anyway. What will apric0t do now that he can't e-bully people? That was part of the problem, giving faggots like that mod powers.

    If you want to require yourself to suck dick to get into a chat and not be banned you may as well try zok's old IRC channel.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz It was fucking garbage anyway. What will apric0t do now that he can't e-bully people? That was part of the problem, giving faggots like that mod powers.

    If you want to require yourself to suck dick to get into a chat and not be banned you may as well try zok's old IRC channel.

    lol you got ebullied by apricot? apricot is a simp and easy to deal with, he's such a gerber baby. I like tc because I could talk to the real gonts easily. I didn't have a problem.
  5. #5
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol you got ebullied by apricot? apricot is a simp and easy to deal with, he's such a gerber baby. I like tc because I could talk to the real gonts easily. I didn't have a problem.

    You were OK as a mod, apric0t is a feminized wigger in real life and online so e-bullying is about all he can do to express his rage at his condition in life. Banning someone cause they hurt your feelings, as gay as it is, that counts as e-bullying, and being an e-thug.

    Alls I did was point out that he's a feminized wigger that has to date outside his race because no decent white woman wants anything to do with him, and he went ape-shit and started banning me every chance he got. You should've seen the look on his face, it was pure rage.

    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Tinychat is lame as fuck, and it seems to get gayer and lamer every year. Someone should just DoS that shit with a couple million bots. Some of the people that sit there like zombies might actually read a book instead of playing games all day while staring at each other on webcam making catatonic facial expressions.

    If it comes back we must kill it. We must finish it off for good, even if it means stalking the owners in real life.
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz You were OK as a mod, apric0t is a feminized wigger in real life and online so e-bullying is about all he can do to express his rage at his condition in life. Banning someone cause they hurt your feelings, as gay as it is, that counts as e-bullying, and being an e-thug.

    Alls I did was point out that he's a feminized wigger that has to date outside his race because no decent white woman wants anything to do with him, and he went ape-shit and started banning me every chance he got. You should've seen the look on his face, it was pure rage.

    If it comes back we must kill it. We must finish it off for good, even if it means stalking the owners in real life.

    heard. but I was a great mod I played videos anyone that asked after mine. I didn't even see it as being a mod i was just there to hang out with the bromos. apricot is pretty gay and annoying but he's not a bad guy, the only persons I didn't like being mod was mal because she would ban peedy when I was having a conversation with him and thats pretty bad considering I didn't like §m£ÂgØL as a mod or hdl but their not that bad of guys, just wicked annoying sometimes.

    I was actually probably one of the best mods to be honest.

    and so what fuck apricot just make fun of him, he's a bitch thats what I would do. He would be so easily knocked out its so funny

    but i will admit a lot of cool people left due to people closing videos / banning over nothing

    anyone like that band?

  7. #7
    Where are you faggots going to jerk each other off now?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    you know us so weeeel
  9. #9
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby heard. but I was a great mod I played videos anyone that asked after mine. I didn't even see it as being a mod i was just there to hang out with the bromos. apricot is pretty gay and annoying but he's not a bad guy, the only persons I didn't like being mod was mal because she would ban peedy when I was having a conversation with him and thats pretty bad considering I didn't like §m£ÂgØL as a mod or hdl but their not that bad of guys, just wicked annoying sometimes.

    I was actually probably one of the best mods to be honest.

    and so what fuck apricot just make fun of him, he's a bitch thats what I would do. He would be so easily knocked out its so funny

    but i will admit a lot of cool people left due to people closing videos / banning over nothing

    anyone like that band?

    You have such bland normie taste in music
    YOu should emulate the guy in that video and blow your brains out.
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You have such bland normie taste in music
    YOu should emulate the guy in that video and blow your brains out.

    he didn't blow his brains out though, you obviously didn't watch it so you're talking out of your shit pussy again
  11. #11
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby he didn't blow his brains out though, you obviously didn't watch it so you're talking out of your shit pussy again

    Why would I want to torture myself by listening to shitty douchebro geetah music
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Why would I want to torture myself by listening to shitty douchebro geetah music

    whats wrong with geetah?
  13. #13
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby whats wrong with geetah?

    It's so typical and done to death.
    There is nothing interesting about that type of music.
  14. #14
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    JIE's mom goes down on me for good
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #15
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats bout time they put it out of its misery.

    No it isn't.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby k now we don't have to hear your stupid voice and see your face in real time.

    At least I'm not the only one who feels this way about Fona.
  16. #16
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Don't listen to them Fona, I like your retard-esque essence.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    G African Astronaut
    The lords of TC are not pleased w/ your performance.
  18. #18
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Don't listen to them Fona, I like your retard-esque essence.

    He's worse than Bling Bling.
  19. #19
    6011UM Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by AngryIVer He's worse than Bling Bling.

    At least bling bling was funny. I miss him
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Go to then be amazed at my presence
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