2019-11-13 at 6:20 AM UTC
which one do you prefer and why?
I'm installing Osu! right now, I played a little bit back in 2010 but I didn't really get into it, so it'll be like new to me now.
I played Stepmania everyday back in the early/mid 00s, it was my entire fucking world I would play that game all day, I haven't played it since 2005 so I'm getting back into that too .... everything will be like brand new ^_^
I wonder if I should get a dance pad for pc and get back into that ^_^
Maybe I'll make some simfiles .... come to think of it maybe I could make songs myself specifically for StepMania.
2019-11-13 at 6:35 AM UTC
African Astronaut
[foredate your moneyless friar's-cowl]
Adam Lanza playing ddr was dope.
2019-11-13 at 7:44 AM UTC
I played stepmania on a keyboard, liked it more than Osu. Objectively Osu is probably the better/more interesting game on a computer, I just preferred the binary inputs and generally more frantic design of most stepmania tracks. It's also less likely to give you carpel tunnel
2019-11-13 at 11:14 AM UTC
I'm more of a DDR clone guy. Those OSU lads are pretty hardcore and use trackpads and weird shit
Also check out flash flash revolution