This is the retarded meth monkey who makes everyone’s time in d pod in santa cruz jail hard while wanking off, stealing canteen and sexually harassing the female inmates across the way he tries to peek on in the yard while never doing even simple priosn time or aleays getting off for some reason despite me not seieng one reason why any of his family would not disown him and even pay any attorney fees anymore?
Oh and btw he thinks he is handsome and that lifting chairs in circles ill make him buff.
„He is like a giant leech. And his host? The American tax payers and his parents.” Via original video at 5:25. Like I said: pure joseph roisman. Disagree?
Protip: no one really cares about some random person they don't even know. I mean I have no doubt he deserves the gas, and so do so many, but I am getting on with my life.
Well he was a big part of my life personally while living in the uńited states. And i mean a bit part as i was also almsot a local at the lockup where he is a regular at.
He stole both my entire csnteen bag and my shoes while getting released because he had no sheos to walk on in the streets and came baxk that same dsy for stealing a bicycle and got best up by me.