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Great quote from aikido founder o sensei

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    The Art of Peace is the principle of nonresistance. Because it is nonresistant it is victorious from the beginning. Those with evil intentions or contentious thoughts are instantly vanquished. The Art of Peace is invincible because it contends with nothing.

    I feel this is the ideal and honorable way to deal with prison or what I had to deal with. Just to accept your fste with nonresistance. Forget raphael luciano exists, forget those psycopath bully guards in certain places like san quentin, forget the crazy fucks and bullies what theyre doing to others in there. Even if they steal from you or hit you accept it with nonresistance because there is no pointing doing it in any other way. It will only hurt you in the end or make you a bigger victim as theyg sin up or use their buddy buddy guards against you. Act like you dont know nothing are a first timer and ignore everything around you. But this quote is bigger than that. It applies to much of life as well.
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I mean there is no winning in there, certsinly not in CDCR with the crazy laws if you resist you risk many hrs in prison just for touching a guard even if they group up, assault you threaten you or harass you asking why you are in sny or this yard or another. This is why thst is a great quote. Ive had guards try to get me to fight them on at least three ocassions during my three yr stay in santa cruz jail and various california prisons courtesey of Santa Cruz PD. In their county jail this one came into my cell and i had a witness celly named Sean Costa who was there when he basically got mad because we didn’t get up when he kept harassing us despite us not getting meds in the morning anyway. He got double mad because we were not super polite to him after harassing us knowing we dont get meds telling him we don’t need to get up or go downstairs sine we do not get meds/ Simple answer no? not to these animals in Santa Cruz county jail known as guards.

    In Corcoran or SATF these two hispanic guards who looked like inmates themselves and psychotic were friendly with this white trash punk of an inmate who I ended up fighting (he assaulted me or attacked me actually but this is a whole separate story and I fought back since he was trying to kick me out from my bunk or pod because he was gay and buddy buddy with him) kept harassing me because i got retro gamer magazines and also questioned me and asked why i was not in general population despite not doing it seemingly to no one else. That is how they act like inmates themselves often. I was getting a magazine back that was my property and my mom sent to me from someone i let borrow it and this trash that would let people walk back and forth between the different units within the building but not me that day. A bunch of hypocrisy from inmates and guards, counsellors who don't give a shit and ignore you or answer questions with one line answers, your release date constantly changing, different prisons having a diff release date for you, constantly transferring and moving prisons, etc

    This all occurs daily in one of the richest states in one of the richest countries in the world. Inside their prison and jail systems which are like cities or a whole country all onto itself. And the only inmates who they seem to help or respect or do anything for are the half brain meth head ones who argue for one hour straight for a pencil or a bubble gum that didnt come with their canteen. people who are actually respectful and have something to lose they treat ike I just described. The US system particularly feds and California are one sick animal.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    To add to this: when I was in the hole or shu in San Quentin toward the end of my reception, this one big bald hispanic cop showed up hitting my bars or edge of cell one day. I knew he wanted to start an issue with me because who starts hitting things before even talking to you? He claimed he was taking me to medical and it made sense to me as all new inmates in the hole or donner section receive an evaluation. However, he was just talking shit to me the entire trip there and on the way back claimed he got the wrong inmate and I said yes to a diff name. Then when I told him I heard him say my last name and there was a card near the door he got angry and tried to threaten and intimidate me. he stopped me while I was in handcuffs and said with a finger pointing at me and anger in his eyes that I answered to someone else's name. But like I said in my pinned tweet. This experience was worth it in a way. It was an experience that was in ways life changing and one that made you value freedom and see the realness of what is fake and what matters in the world. And when you can conquer your own fear or emotions and look deep into yourself and realize who you are, it is a great feeling.

    I will not lie. I did feel fear when he looked at me and tried to get me to admit to a lie or something I did not do or say. I kept silent though And took the middle ground from answering yes sir I am sorry and admitting to something that did not happen and basically arguing or fighting him and just stayed silent as he escorted me back to the cell. Then he tried to crowd me with another guard or his budy as I told him Go ahead and hit me if you want. I know you want to. I replied to him because he tried to tell his buddy if he heard me say yes to another inmate's name and shook his head to his buddy and he realized what he wanted him to do and smiled and shook it back his way.

    You people or many of you do not realize what really goes on in there. What really goes on in not just jails and prisons but mental asylums and other places. But it takes real strength and real determination to let it brush of you like O sensei said in his quote you have to When I told him to hit me and expected it, I did not know or think in my mind yet whether I will fight back or not and whether it was worth it. First of all now there were two of them, secondly they have batons and pepper spray and will just call more guards if I start winning Thirdly, I worry about potential charges or repercussions or them all beating me in a group.

    So I hoped he wouldnt come in and didnt. his reply was:

    "no I will see you on the yard. We will deal with each other later."

    He obviously thought I was general population san quentin and not going through reception there and ending up in the hole from instances that occurred in the reception center there.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    why don't you go back to prison if you love it so much
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    And I will talk about another experience or actually there were two separate ones (three really) with cops or GOs in this case because they were just private contractors of a private prison and later ICE center at Adelanto, CA. One of them was this skinny guy who did not even look threatening at Desert View MCCF who told me one day I cannot sit or stand on the upper tier when he does one of his many walks (they do walks inside the ICE center dorms every hour or less). I asked him why and told him none of the other GOs had an issue with it then he snapped at me and said not to question him and do as I was told. I forgot what I said exactly but let it be. But had a separate issue with him later. I actually was in the middle of the dorm at the ICe facility when and I cannot evenr ecall how this argument started or what it was over but recall him targeting me somehow and me saying something back and telling him "are you calling me out" to which he replied yea I am and An Armenian friend of mine in there stopping it from escalating and getting in between it and calming me down then I went upstairs. The cop made a big statement or speech threatening to get everyone's cells hit over me or some shit.
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Then they got mad because they had some drugs coming in that this guy the go will tewr down the unit and srop shipments. Basiclaly he knew what he was doing when he called everyone out rather than deal with me alone and threaten to hit cells. But the thing was I never did any drugs in any jails or prisons I was at even on the streets I never did drugs. But do drink and eat weed cookies occasionally wnd some coke hereand there.

    But getting badk to my main point. Isn’t it funny and kind of crazy how I can read a wuote,w atch a movie, or do an everyday activity and it will bring me badk to instances or situations in usa lockups? In the usa penal system? Like memories forgotten in my mind come back.

    Sometimes it is anger, sometiems just amusement. Other times it is seeing or hewring lies by say U.S. politicians about the system.
  8. #8
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra why don't you go back to prison if you love it so much

    This is how every white guy I know that's been to prison acts, with maybe one exception. It becomes their life even if they only did a few years, they constantly want to go on about it and tell stories about being in prison.

    It's retarded.
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